
The week in whoppers: NYC mayoral-debate lunacy, CNN’S flip-flop and more

Diary of disturbing disinformation and dangerous delusions:

These quotes:

“This is the time for a mayor with the courage to confront . . . the NYPD.”

— Maya Wiley, when asked about crime during Tuesday’s mayoral debate

“In the Giuliani days, with stop-and-frisk . . . many innocent kids went to prison.”

— Scott Stringer, also discussing crime during the debate

We say: With shootings, murders and violence on the subway soaring, NYC mayoral wannabe Maya Wiley somehow thinks it’s time to “confront” the cops. And Scott Stringer might believe stop-and-frisk was overused, but he has zero evidence any “innocent kids went to prison” back then or at any other time. 

Spot the difference:

NY Post composite

We say: CNN’s Chris Cillizza delighted in mocking President Donald Trump last year for trying to “shape reality to fit his predetermined conclusion.” Except now, Cillizza’s own network admits the idea that the coronavirus originated in a lab in Wuhan, China, has “credibility.”

This quote:

“There are members of Congress that served in war.”

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, discussing the Jan. 6 Capitol riot with Latino USA just before Memorial Day

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez compared being at the Capitol during the Jan. 6 riot to serving in combat. Ron Adar / M10s / SplashNews.com

We say: AOC notes she’s in therapy, and it’s clear why: The Jan. 6 riot was nothing like a “war” or even an “all-out attempted coup,” as she also calls it. Unlike in  war, for starters, not a single person died from any attack by the Jan. 6 rioters. Making such a comparison just before Memorial Day — when the nation honors those who gave their lives in real wars — is a sure sign she needs help.

This front page:

The New York Times sought to blame Israel, as much as — if not more than — Hamas for the deaths of many Palestinian children during the recent conflict.

We say: What an ugly smear. The Gray Lady’s goal was to blame Israel as much as, if not more than, Hamas for the deaths of “mostly” Palestinian kids. Yet its coverage contained spectacular errors, such as a photo of a Palestinian child who wasn’t actually killed in the recent conflict. The paper later ’fessed to some of the fake facts, but its failure to hold Hamas responsible — even though it started the conflict and fired 4,000 rockets into Israel — is appalling, even for the anti-Israel Times.

Compiled by The Post Editorial Board