US News

Chlorine ‘Karens’: Women ‘shamed’ for confronting kissing female couple at hotel pool

A group of women at a California hotel pool got into a heated confrontation with other guests after allegedly berating a female couple for kissing in front of children, reports said.

The poolside drama unfolded Sunday at Sacremento’s Kimpton Sawyer hotel — and ended with the women leaving the outdoor area to chants of “Shame,” according to now-viral footage posted to Instagram.

“Pool Karens asked a female couple to stop kissing in front of kids,” Art Kaligos, the man who filmed part of the exchange, wrote on his social media post.

One of the women who were kissing, Domonique Veasley, told CBS 13 she felt like she was singled out, claiming straight couples in the pool were also being affectionate.

“My initial reaction for the children was ‘Oh yeah,’ and then I was like ‘You are asking me to stop being me,’” she told the news station.

“This is not OK anymore, it’s 2021,” said Veasley.

Several reports indicated the women were eventually led out by security, but a lawyer for them, Terry Fahn, told SFGATE the group left on their own accord out of fear for their safety.

One of the moms who was asked to leave the pool. Instagram
The group reportedly was upset over two women kissing. Instagram

As the women were leaving, one of them, identified as “Deb” by the name on her Starbucks cup, got into a shouting match with people inside the pool who were chanting “Shame.”

“I have never met anyone like you guys. Are you kidding me?” she could be heard saying in the Instagram video.

“I have never been more embarrassed in my life for the human race. I am a Jewish woman from New Jersey, you’re a disgusting piece of s—t,” she continued.

Nikki Carlson, the general manager at the hotel, condemned the incident in a statement.

Art Kaligos filmed the women at the pool. Instagram
Other pool-goers yelled “shame,” at the women as they exited. Instagram

“The Sawyer does not condone discrimination or verbal assault of any kind,” Carlson said in a statement to SFGATE.

“An unfortunate disagreement between guests occurred at our pool over the holiday weekend and the matter has since been resolved.”

Fahn, the lawyer for the women, said discrimination was not a factor.

“This incident had nothing to do with homophobia, racism or even kissing,” Fahn said in a statement to SFGATE. “It involved what appeared to be sexual intercourse and inappropriate activity in close proximity of children.”

“When members of the party politely and respectfully asked that some of the sexual activity be toned down because children were close by in the pool, they were met with aggressive verbal attacks,” said Fahn.