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Egyptian man arrested for tying up son, covering him in honey to lure bees

An Egyptian man has been arrested for reportedly punishing his 7-year-old son for stealing by tying him to a wooden pole and smearing him with honey to attract bees and other insects.

7-year-old Egyptian boy with his face blurred.
The boy’s mother said her husband has also punished their son by depriving him of food and water for long periods. Newsflash

A photo showing the boy lying with his arms tied to the pole behind his back went viral after it was confiscated from the mother, who reported the cruel incident to authorities, Arab News reported.

She told a child rescue group that her husband, a tuktuk driver who has not been named, constantly beats her and their children in the city of Shebin al-Qanater.

The 34-year-old father placed his son, whom neighbors had accused of theft, on their roof on May 25 to attract the insects, The Sun reported, citing Al Arabiya.

It was not known how long the child was left bound to the stake.

After sounding the alarm, the 29-year-old mother fled with her son to another community, according to the report.

She reportedly said her husband also has punished their son by depriving him of food and water for long periods.

The public prosecution office has launched an investigation into the shocking incident. It was unclear if the father has been formally charged yet.

Medical experts found the boy to be in a “deplorable” state after the ordeal, The Sun reported.