Mental Health

Letters to the Editor — June 4, 2021

The Issue: Naomi Osaka’s decision not to give post-game interviews because of mental-health struggles.

I am glad that Naomi Osaka has taken a stand against the press (“French exit,” June 1).

These days, journalists are often trying to create news stories, rather than reporting on them.

This type of journalism was once reserved for the tabloids but is now prevalent in all of the media — which tries to create buzz and online hits at the expense of those they’re reporting on.

An example of the press pushing the limits of insensitivity was when Serena Williams lost in the semi-finals of this past US Open.

She was asked by a reporter if that was her last match and if she was retiring. The reporter was suggesting she was washed-up. It was no wonder that Serena burst into tears and left the press conference.

Donathan Salkaln


Osaka’s mental distress apparently started with the coverage of the horrendous and unsportsmanlike tantrum by Serena Williams.

It’s time Williams fronted up to her own behavior instead of employing her usual tactics of diversion, which she used after her prolonged outburst.

Osaka is owed an apology by Williams. It might make Naomi feel better.

John Dobinson

Brisbane, Australia

Osaka, the world’s best female tennis player, doesn’t want to speak to the press, and for that she was chastised and punished by the Women’s Tennis Association.

Imagine how painful it must have been for her to admit to being clinically depressed.

But apparently that was not sufficiently painful for her to be granted an exemption to answer inane questions of sports­­casters.

What if, instead of depression, she was afflicted with a debilitating stutter? Would she still be subjected to the humiliation of having to answer questions?

It’s not enough that Naomi has sacrificed her childhood for the sport she loves. Now they want her to sacrifice her mental well-being as an adult.

Jack Kaufman

Naples, Fla.

Thank you for the article on Osaka’s decision to drop out of the tennis tournament due to her mental-health issues.

As a clinician who specializes in depression and anxiety, I was glad that she had the temerity to come out and admit that she suffers from anxiety and depression.

However, I want readers to know that experiential avoidance (not doing the things that make you anxious) is not the correct approach. People who suffer from depression and anxiety must face their fears.

As Winston Churchill once said, “Never, never, never give up.” I hope Osaka heeds that message and gets back to playing tennis soon.

Martin Garfinkle

Staten Island

Sorry, Andrew Marchand, I don’t need you or any sports writer to “humanize” an athlete for me (“What’s lost with no press,” June 2).

I watch my teams as often as I can to see whether they perform well or not, and I watch interactions with their respective team members and coaches.

Yes, I read an occasional article, about a backstory or colorful bit of information to inform me of that particular player’s unique quality.

But frankly, the only thing I have ever learned from post-game interviews is the player’s patience, or lack of it, with reporters who ask dumb, repetitive questions.

Jayne Lee, Rockaway

I yawned when I read Marchand’s column.

What is the value of most pre-game and post-game interviews with athletes, coaches and managers? How many times must we listen to or read lame-brained questions about a player’s or team’s performance on the field?

I’d like to see athletes rise up against ignorant questions from reporters. I’m amazed that they haven’t rebelled long ago and en masse.

I understand that management expects athletes to cooperate with the media, but wouldn’t it be better if the latter spent more time writing exciting analysis of the game instead of asking dopy questions?

Lillian Marsano


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