US News

Terrifying video shows moments before deadly stampede at Israeli holy site

The death toll in the stampede at a religious festival in Israel has climbed to at least 44 on Friday, with about 150 injured — as terrifying videos posted online show thousands of people struggling to run for their lives through a narrow passageway.

The disaster unfolded when the huge throng surged through the tunnel-like passage during the annual Lag Ba’omer festivities at the foot of Mount Meron, according to witnesses and video footage.

People began falling on top of each other near the end of the walkway, as they descended slippery metal stairs, witnesses said.

The footage shows large numbers of people, most of them black-clad ultra-Orthodox men, squeezed in the tunnel. Witnesses told the Haaretz that police barricades prevented people from exiting quickly.

Avraham Leibe told Israeli public broadcaster Kan that a crush of people trying to descend the mountain caused “general bedlam” on a slippery metal slope followed by stairs.

Rescue workers take a dead body into an ambulance after dozens were killed in a crush at a religious festival in Mount Meron on April 30, 2021, in Meron, Israel. Amir Levy/Getty Images

“Nobody managed to halt,” he said from his hospital bed. “I saw one after the other fall.”

At least 44 people have died after a stampede at a religious festival attended by tens of thousands of ultra-Orthodox Jews in northern Israel. Admma

Gov. Andrew Cuomo said in a statement Friday morning that he was “heartbroken by the tragedy.”

“The loss of life as thousands celebrated a joyous holiday is devastating. New York sends its thoughts and prayers to the families of the victims and to the people of Israel and the Jewish community worldwide who are reeling from this horrific incident,” he said.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced at the scene that Sunday would be marked as a “day of national mourning,” the Times of Israel reported.

“There were heartbreaking scenes here. People who were crushed to death, including children,” he said. “Many of the dead have yet to be identified, and I ask not to spread rumors on social networks because it breaks the families’ hearts. Let the authorities work.”

He also praised the first responders, whose “fast work” prevented “a much larger disaster,” adding: “We will carry out a comprehensive, serious, detailed investigation to ensure this kind of disaster never happens again.”

Public Security Minister Amir Ohana called for an independent investigation.

“A terrible disaster occurred last night. It is clear that an independent investigation will be needed for all aspects related to the planning of the event, preparations, responsibilities, infrastructure, etc.,” Ohana said, according to the news outlet.

Jewish worshippers sing and dance as they stand on tribunes at the Lag Ba’omer event in Mount Meron, northern Israel, April 29, 2021, before the deadly stampede. REUTERS

One of the injured described the harrowing minutes of the stampede.

Medics and rescue workers attend to the Lag Ba’omer event in Mount Meron, northern Israel, where over 40 people died. REUTERS/ David Cohen-JINIPIX

“There were many people on me. And we slipped one onto another, more and more and more people, until the police decided to just pull the fences down and start to rescue people,” the man told Kan public broadcaster at a hospital.

Medics and rescue workers carry stretchers at the Lag Ba’omer event in Mount Meron, Israel, on April 30, 2021. REUTERS/ David Cohen-JINIPIX

“It took time, and in the meantime I remember I was lying on someone and he wasn’t breathing,” he said, according to the Times of Israel.

Ultra-Orthodox Jews collect glasses, hats and other items left on the floor after dozens were killed in a crush at a religious festival in Mount Meron on April 30, 2021. Amir Levy/Getty Images

“There was a point where someone just wanted to move, so he shoved a fist to here (indicating his face) and I felt myself stopping to breathe, and I said to him, I screamed, ‘Help me! Move your hand!’ and I screamed to people, ‘I have a kid at home, help me!’” he added.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (center) visits the site of an overnight stampede and mourned those killed. RONEN ZVULUN/POOL/AFP via Getty Images

“Nobody knew what to do. They threw water from above, that’s all there was to do at that point.”

Ultra-Orthodox Jews gather around a bonfire at the grave site of Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai at Mount Meron in northern Israel on April 29, 2021, before the deadly stampede. JALAA MAREY/AFP via Getty Images

Eli Beer, founder of the United Hatzalah emergency services, told Army Radio that rescuers also found young children and saved some by performing CPR.

A municipal worker rushes early on April 30, 2021, to the scene of the stampede. JACK GUEZ/AFP via Getty Images

“We need to wake up. I’m shocked by the amount of people who were let in,” he said.

Rescue and medical personnel are seen next to covered dead bodies on Mount Meron after the fatal incident. REUTERS

Zaki Heller, a spokesman for Magen David Adom, Israel’s version of the Red Cross, said people were crushed without being able to escape.

A police officer walks at the scene where dozens were killed in a crush at a religious festival in Mount Meron on April 30, 2021, in Meron, Israel. Amir Levy/Getty Images

“Some of the wounded are still being treated at the scene,” he said, according to the Maariv daily.

Israeli rescuers transport injured ultra-Orthodox Jews from an event celebrating Lag Ba’omer to a hospital in Mount Meron, Israel, on April 30, 2021. EPA/DAVID COHEN

The tragedy occurred at the first mass religious gathering to be held legally since Israel lifted nearly all restrictions related to the coronavirus pandemic.

Medics and rescue workers investigate the scene where the stampede occurred. REUTERS/David Cohen-JINIPIX

The country has seen cases plummet since launching one of the world’s most successful vaccination campaigns late last year.

Israeli rescuers transport injured people to receive medical attention after the fatal stampede. EPA/DAVID COHEN

Lag Ba’omer draws tens of thousands of people, most of them ultra-Orthodox Jews, each year to honor Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai, a 2nd-century sage and mystic who is buried there.

Rescue workers move a dead body into an ambulance after the tragedy in Israel. Amir Levy/Getty Images

Large crowds traditionally light bonfires, pray and dance as part of the celebrations. This year, media estimated the crowd at about 100,000 people.

With Post wires