
UFOs are real, feds’ cover-up fueled by fear: ex-Pentagon whistleblower

UFOs exist — but the government doesn’t want you to know it, according to the ex-Pentagon official who says he ran the program investigating “unidentified aerial phenomena” or UAP.

Recalling the revelatory instant when he recognized that UFOs were bona fide, controversial whistleblower Luis “Lue” Elizondo exclusively told The Post, “It was a holy-s–t moment: ‘Oh, my gosh, it’s real. Well, crap, now we have to do something about it.’ ”

However, Elizondo has not been able to get the feds to act on what he describes as a serious national security risk due to a litany of roadblocks — including a cover-up of the existence of UFOs because of religious objections, concerns over tarnishing its own reputation and fears of inciting public panic.

With a bombshell government report on UFOs set to be released before the end of June, Elizondo — who says he came into the Pentagon’s Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program in 2008, and headed it from 2010 until 2017 — has revealed the shocking things he alleges to have learned, and the chilling reason why some in the Pentagon don’t want this information made public.

As part of his job, Elizondo said, he had access to the Pentagon’s UFO data and interviewed military eyewitnesses who encountered UAP on an almost “daily basis.” Meanwhile, Navy pilots have testified about engaging 50-foot Tic Tac-shaped vessels only to see them disappear in the blink of an eye.

Other pilots said their fighter jets had a “near collision” with a strange “sphere encasing a cube.” Elizondo scrutinized all this evidence, including radar and electro-optical data, that showed unknown aircraft zipping 60 miles in five seconds and descending at speeds of 14 miles per second.

“Do the math,” Elizondo, also a former intelligence officer for the US Department of Defense, told The Post. “You’ll see that it’s very fast.” (BTW: We did the math — and 60 miles in five seconds is 43,200 mph.)

Despite those mind-blowing discoveries, Elizondo was always swimming upstream. He tried to share frightening evidence with closed-minded non-believers who shunned his research, which he has compared to an “intelligence failure on the level of 9/11.”

Luis “Lue” Elizondo has told The Post about shocking things he alleges to have learned — and the chilling reason why some in the Pentagon don’t want this information made public. NY Post composite

“It was a holy-s–t moment: ‘Oh, my gosh, it’s real. Well, crap, now we have to do something about it.’”

Lue Elizondo, on the day he faced the ‘reality’ of UFOs

Elizondo allegedly pushed his superiors — who included Gen. James “Mad Dog” Mattis — to take his findings seriously.

He also claims “very senior” officials blocked him from informing Mattis, and he resigned from the Pentagon in frustration. (Reps for Mattis declined to comment when The Post reached out for comment.)

But Elizondo never stopped investigating UFOs and publicizing what he found. Now he is no longer alone. Washington, DC, power players are due to share details about the “reality” of such UFOs via their much-hyped tell-all report. It’s vindication for Elizondo and others in his camp.

The official resignation letter of Luis “Lue” Elizondo.

As the report’s publication looms, Elizondo is coming out swinging. During a series of exclusive interviews, he clued in The Post on the reality of UFOs, the amazing things that they can do, the religious beliefs that led federal officials to dismiss their veracity, what the government knows but doesn’t want to tell, and the ways in which UFO technologies can benefit humanity.

But institutional silence may soon be broken amid what Elizondo sees as a tipping point for the unexplained. “The level of interest is reaching a critical mass,” he said. “I think [government officials realize that] it would be like putting the cat back in the bag or like putting toothpaste back in the tube. Now that the government has acknowledged the reality of Unexplained Aerial Phenomenon [or UAP, which is synonymous with UFO] … it’s going to be real hard to backtrack.”

Looking back on his years in the Pentagon, Elizondo remembers that his biggest concern involving UFOs was not based on a fear of extraterrestrials. It centered on America’s Earth-bound enemies: “We [were] behind the power curve” — as a result of military bosses turning blind eyes to unexplained phenomena. “We knew that foreign adversaries in other countries are interested in this topic. So there comes a real problem from a national security perspective.”

Here are some of Elizondo’s most compelling revelations and insights:

Face it: UFOs are ‘real’ and not ‘silly’

Elizondo said he’s seen enough to be confident that UFOs are very real and that our government — thanks in part to a mandate former President Donald Trump put into his $2.3 trillion appropriations bill for 2021 — is not a moment too soon in taking these incursions in the sky seriously.

Having spoken to US military sources who’ve witnessed UFOs, watched videos of them and seen photographs, Elizondo is a true believer in the presence of unexplained phenomena. He thinks the rest of us should be as well. “This isn’t a silly conversation,” said Elizondo. “This is a conversation about someone, from somewhere, displaying beyond next-generation technology” — which allows craft to fly without wings or obvious airworthy construction — “in our controlled airspace. And there’s not a whole lot we can do about it.”

In encouraging exploration of UFOs, Elizondo raised topics that many of his Defense Department superiors found off-putting. As a result, there appears to be a long-running campaign to discredit him and to keep his findings out of the limelight. Pentagon spokesman Christopher Sherwood released a statement saying, “Mr. Elizondo had no responsibilities with regard to the AATIP [Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program] program.” Sherwood’s statement was soon followed by a slightly modified one from spokesperson Susan Gough: “Mr. Elizondo had no assigned responsibilities for AATIP.”

It’s a diss that former Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.), who once took credit for arranging $22 million in annual funding for the AATIP, has consistently challenged. Reid spent the last few years publicly defending Elizondo’s leadership role with AATIP and, just this week, released a new statement re-emphasizing this. “Mr. Elizondo has spent his career working tirelessly in the shadows on sensitive national-security matters, including investigating UAPs as the head of AATIP,” Reid wrote on his letterhead. “He performed these duties admirably.”

Elizondo also stuck up for himself, bluntly telling The Post, “There are some people in the Pentagon that still don’t like me very much. I think they’re pissed at me for the way I left. They’re now trying to thread the needle, saying, ‘He had no assigned  responsibilities with AATIP.’ I had no assigned responsibilities because I was working Gitmo for [the Department of Defense]. These assigned duties [exploring the reality of UFOs] were coming from the legislative branch.”

Insisting that he had plenty of assigned responsibilities in this area, Elizondo added, “There are enough people now in the Pentagon and on the Hill who know exactly who I was and what I did. And, you know, it’s going to hurt [my detractors’] credibility.”

Luis “Lue” Elizondo is a former intelligence officer for the Department of Defense — who claims he was in charge of the Pentagon’s unclassified division devoted to investigations of UFOs. Elizondo is pictured here in uniform for duty from 1996 through the early 2000s. Courtesy Luis Elizondo

UFOs can do jaw-dropping things

We tend to be impressed by high-tech roller coasters at glossy theme parks. Observers of UFOs have seen mechanical and technological performances that bring new parameters to the notion of a thrill ride.

Elizondo describes vessels flying at 11,000 miles per hour, “making crazy right-angle turns” and being able to reverse “instantly.” Providing a comparison, he explained of the Air Force’s SR-71 Blackbird — which maxes out around 2,100 mph — “if you wanted to make a right-hand turn, it would take you about half the state of Ohio to do it.”

He also detailed Spielberg-worthy operational capabilities that fall into the realm of “transmedium travel.” Elizondo explained that the eye-popping vessels can fly 50 feet above the Earth’s surface or 80,000 feet in the sky and even submerge underwater without a compromise in performance at any level: “When you see that, you recognize you are dealing with a technology more advanced than ours.”

The Pentagon officially released three videos taken by US Navy pilots showing midair encounters with what appear to be UFOs. The grainy black and white footage had previously been leaked and the Navy had acknowledged they were Navy videos. The Department of Defense said it was “releasing the videos in order to clear up any misconceptions by the public on whether or not the footage that has been circulating was real, or whether or not there is more to the videos.” DoD/AFP via Getty Images

Even the way in which these inexplicable flying machines manage to lift off blows away rational engineering. “[These] things have no wings, no cockpits, no control surfaces, no rivets in the skin, no obvious signs of propulsion — and somehow they are able to defy the natural effects of Earth’s gravity,” Elizondo marveled. “How is that possible?”

Then there is the sheer ability to handle the stress of it all: “Humans can withstand 9 Gs for just a short period of time before negative physical consequences. The F-16 fighter jet will begin to experience structural failure around 17 Gs. The objects we’re seeing are doing 600 Gs. Obviously well beyond the healthy limitations of anything” — including whoever or whatever is inside the vessel.

Nick Pope, former head of the UFO office in the UK’s Ministry of Defence, told The Post that it all adds up to “an advanced technology that we don’t currently possess. It may be why the Pentagon’s AATIP program was studying advanced theoretical physics concepts such as anti-gravity and warp drive. It’s as if someone said, ‘This is real — and can we figure it out ourselves?’”

As Elizondo reveals later in this story, we can and we did.

Gen. James Mattis testifies before the Senate Armed Services Committee on Capitol Hill in Washington on July 27, 2010, on his nomination to be commander of US Central Command. Yuri Gripas/REUTERS

The ‘Satanic’ reason unexplained phenomena were suppressed

The presence of highly intelligent life — possibly more advanced than humans — would be huge news. Elizondo – who expresses relief at the impending release of the upcoming UFO document, even though he is not privy to its contents – knows all about federal reticence on this matter.

Elizondo quit his Pentagon job in frustration over authorities being unwilling to even entertain the possibility of UFOs. Referencing why his superiors refused to brief his boss at the time, General Mattis, Elizondo said, “They were probably worried about tarnishing [Mattis] if it came out that he was briefed on UFOs.”

“They objected to UFOs as being Satanic!”

Dr. Eric Davis, Ph.D., former rocket scientist for Air Force Research Laboratory and currently a scientist at government contractor the Aerospace Corporation

For senior Pentagon officials, Elizondo discovered, acknowledging the very existence of UFOs was “too much of a pill to swallow.” He recalled one superior who clumsily changed the subject by asking Elizondo how the Miami Dolphins football team was doing. “Some individuals have a problem with this topic because it interferes with their philosophical or maybe theological belief system.”

In fact, Elizondo claimed one senior official “told him to ‘Stop'” investigating UFOs — and asked Elizondo if he had “read your Bible lately?”

Elizondo asked where his boss was going with the non sequitur before acknowledging familiarity with the Good Book. As per Elizondo, he was then told, “‘Well, then you would know that these things are demonic and we should not be pursuing them.’ He wasn’t kidding. That’s exactly how he felt.”

Dr. Eric Davis, Ph.D., a former rocket scientist for the Air Force Research Laboratory and currently a scientist at government contractor the Aerospace Corporation, confirmed: “They objected to UFOs as being Satanic!”

The line of thinking is not restricted to America. Nick Pope saw similar incidents of religion trumping science in the UK. “Some objections come from people in government who think the phenomenon is real — but demonic,” Pope said. “Their belief seems to be that studying UFOs would thus give energy to attention-seeking demons, which should be avoided. This view comes, in part, from the biblical description of Satan as ‘the prince of the power of the air.’”

But then, even secular government officials who accept the reality of UFOs get cornered by exactly what kind of action should be taken and who should take it. “They can’t deal with it on a legislative basis or on a military operational basis; they can’t deal with it on the basis of a presidential policy,” said Davis. “So they let a finite group of engineers and scientists and investigators work [on it] together.” And their findings “just collect cobwebs in the classified storage warehouses.”

Luis “Lue” Elizondo today. To the Stars Academy

Some of this may have also stemmed from a fear of panicking the public. As Elizondo told Politico, many of the UFO sightings were near vulnerable nuclear facilities, ships in the water and power plants. He added, “We had never seen anything like it.”

What the government might not want you to know

If anyone wonders whether the US government is fully aware that UFOs exist, Elizondo removes all doubt. Questioned about American authorities having physical remnants of crashed vessels, he provided an answer that no current official would likely voice: “I was asked if I believe the US government is in possession of [UFOs] and I said, ‘Yes. I believe so.’ And that’s all I’m prepared to say.” (Elizondo, who is tied to a lifelong NDA with the government, rides a fine line between what he can reveal and what he can’t.)

UFOs coming from other planets and being operated by aliens who may have hostile intentions for our nation and planet would be bad enough. But the even bigger concern, Elizondo maintained, would be a more Earthly possibility. “Let’s assume this is some sort of adversarial or foreign technology that for several decades now has managed to leapfrog us and evade all 18 members of the intelligence community,” Elizondo said, painting a nightmare scenario of the United States being vulnerable to a human enemy with the highest of high-tech capabilities. “That would be an intelligence failure that eclipses just about anything else this country has ever faced.”

Though Elizondo, Pope and Davis are all pleased to see the report coming out, none of them expect the government to reveal all. Elizondo figures it will be “an interim report … [with] all the unknowns” laid out. And if there is not a lot of talk about anything as concrete as, say, flying saucers in our midst, Davis sets that matter straight. UFOs, he said, “never went away. They’re still coming up and causing aviation havoc. They’re getting in the middle of aviation operations, and that’s dangerous.”

As for the force behind those craft and how deep the report’s authors will go, Pope added, “If they know or suspect that UFOs are extraterrestrial, I hope they’ll say so.”

“Maybe we’re going to realize that what we thought were monsters are really just our neighbors.”

Lue Elizondo

The ‘sea monsters’ in the sky

When confronted with the question of whether UFOs are simply Earth-bound vehicles or from another galaxy, Elizondo offered a third unsettling option. He started by emphasizing, “This is important,” then explained how humans can only perceive “a narrow band” of reality. A lot of stuff (infrared, radio waves, cosmic radiation) is invisible to the human eye. There are “things that are right in front of your eyes, but you can’t see them.”

Elizondo then briought up “sea monsters.”

“Imagine the first person who decided to get on a boat and sail over the horizon,” he mused, recalling days before Christopher Columbus. “Back then there was talk of sea monsters and krakens that will destroy your boat. But [those intrepid souls] did it anyway.”

As it turned out, of course, fearful sailors were not entirely wrong: “There really are sea monsters — but now, 500 years later, we call them great squids of the Pacific, great white sharks and whales. They’re part of nature and we learned to understand them.”

Elizondo said humanity could once again be faced with the same scenario. “Maybe,” he proposed, “this is just another expedition over the horizon. Maybe we’re going to realize that what we thought were monsters are really just our neighbors.”