
Letters to the Editor — April 29, 2021

The Issue: The death of Police Officer Anastasios Tsakos on the Long Island Expressway.

I hope one of the charges against Jessica Beauvais is a hate crime (“Finest killed in ‘DWI Hit-run,’ ” April 28).

I can’t believe she’s only facing 15 years. What a disgrace. She killed a cop, after ranting on a podcast about how much she hates them. Can you imagine if the rolls were reversed?

I bet she’ll be out in 10 years for good behavior, ready to carry on with her life, and Police Officer Anastasios Tsakos will still be dead.

Leo Kibler

The Bronx

In the aftermath of the hit-and-run death of Tsakos on the Long Island Expressway, it came out that Beauvais is a cop-hating miscreant.

There seems to be a disturbing trend on the street where resistance is in order whenever a police officer “gets in the way.” The tragic death of Tsakos shows that the automobile can be a dangerous weapon.

There will be no large violent demonstrations on behalf of the police, no voices of rage and no cries for revenge from the media.

Tsakos died doing what the overwhelming majority of police officers do every day: Help others.

What’s most ironic is that, under different circumstances, if Beauvais was in distress, Tsakos wouldn’t have hesitated to help her.

Nicholas Maffei


Tsakos was an exemplary police officer, dedicated to his job and his family. Beauvais should not have been behind the wheel and should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

He leaves behind a loving wife and children, many friends and colleagues mourning his tragic loss, as are all New Yorkers.

This is yet another example of how our dedicated and brave police men and women put their lives on the line for all of us each and every day, and we should always appreciate their sacrifices.

John Amato

Fresh Meadows

This valiant officer leaves behind a wife and two small children. The vile sputum Beauvais spewed on her abhorrent podcast does nothing more than create a deeper divide in a country rife with hate. I’m guessing this may warrant a seven-second blip on mainstream media.

Kevin Judge

Naples, Fla.

The Issue: The Post’s plea for the mayor to take meaningful action to stop the avalanche of disorder.

You must be kidding, expecting help from Mayor Putz, a k a Mayor de Blasio: His only interest is where he can stick his beak into the public trough again (“Do Something, Blas,” Editorial, April 27).

He hasn’t had a real job in his life and his sad excuses for solving the problem of crime in the streets and the subways are beyond idiotic.

Anyone who has been associated with his administration is certainly suspect of continuing his fatally flawed ideas.

We need someone with a brain to run this city.

Henry Moskowitz

Forest Hills

All that we have heard from the mayor’s mouth is how he is working on the problem and how he is going to fix it.

But it doesn’t appear de Blasio has a clue as to what is going on in his city.

It also doesn’t appear that any other New York politicians could do a better job.

Alan Brooks


Thanks for your excellent editorial.

As New York heads for a violent and deadly summer, where are the brain trusts — the ones behind closing Rikers Island, enacting extreme criminal-justice reforms and demonizing the police?

Charles T. Compton

The Bronx