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Jim Jordan, Val Demings get into shouting match during House hearing on police

A House hearing exploded into a fiery shouting match Tuesday, as Reps. Val Demings and Jim Jordan sparred over supporting law enforcement during a debate on a hate crimes bill.

​Jordan (R-Ohio) tried to introduce an amendment to the legislation during the House Judiciary Committee meeting that would prevent defunding of police departments — a measure Demings (D-Fla.) called “completely irrelevant.”​

The two then began trading barbs, with Demings lambasting Republicans, claiming they did not support police amid the Jan. 6 Capitol riot, and Jordan charging the same of the other side amid the racial justice riots in the summer of 2020.

​​”I served as a law enforcement officer for 27 years,” said Demings, the former police chief of Orlando.

“It is a tough job, and good police officers deserve your support. You know, it’s interesting to see my colleagues on the other side of the aisle support the police when it is politically convenient to do so.”​

Citing the Capitol riot, Rep. Val Demings said her Republican colleagues support the police when it is “politically convenient to do so.” House Committee on the Judiciary

At that point, Jordan tried to ​interrupt Demings, who quickly cut him off.

 ​”I have the floor, Mr. Jordan,” she shouted​. “What? Did I strike a nerve?”

“Law enforcement officers deserve better than to be utilized as pawns, and you and your colleagues should be ashamed of yourselves,” Demings added, slamming her fist on the table and pointing at Jordan.

Committee Chairman Jerrold Nadler (D-NY) quickly tried to restore order.​

Rep. Jerry Nadler, chairman of the committee, tried to restore order during the heated exchange. House Committee on the Judiciary

“I want to admonish members, they must not ​interrupt ​someone who has the time. ​You can’t shout out​,” an exasperated Nadler said.​​​​

Jordan replied, “I agree.”

But Demings shot back: “Mr. Jordan, you don’t know what the heck you’re talking about!​ ​You know nothing about law enforcement officers.”​

“I know about my motives!” Jordan ​responded.

“You are using them as pawns because it serves your ridiculous political purpose!” Demings added.

T​he two lawmakers continued to shout over each other until Nadler broke in once again.

“The rules do not permit shouting out when someone else has the time. The only thing you may do when someone else has the time, you may raise a point of order,” he said. 

When Demings spoke again, she railed at Republicans for not condemning the violence during the Capitol riot.

“I’m glad to hear that my colleagues on the other side of the aisle​ are​​​​ on the side of law enforcement now because I don’t know where my colleagues on the other side of the aisle have been over the last four years, including on Jan. 6 ​w​hen police officers who protect us every day were fighting for their l​i​ves because of the big lie that was told, and my colleagues on the other side of the aisle were silent​,” she said. ​​

Demings said Democrats showed their support for police when they voted for the coronavirus relief bill that increased funding for state and local governments and law enforcement.​

She said Republicans now back law enforcement through Jordan’s amendment.

“I’m delighted to know that, but don’t support them when it’s politically convenient for you ​t​o do so​. S​upport them when they’re under attack by people fighting them and spraying them and knocking them to the ground and ​beating them with poles,​” she said.​

Rep. Jim Jordan tried to introduce an amendment to the legislation during the House Judiciary Committee meeting that would prevent defunding of police departments. House Committee on the Judiciary

Jordan ​defended his Republican colleagues, blasting Democrats for their silence amid ongoing “social justice” riots last summer.

“We condemned the violence on Jan. 6 and we condemned it last summer. It would’ve been nice if our colleagues on the other side had done the same,” ​Jordan said.

“​All ​last summer when police were being pelted with frozen water bottles, bricks and beat up, where were they? They were raising money to bail out rioters who were doing those very actions to the police. And today we get a lecture about how we haven’t been consistent, you’ve got to be kidding me!​” he concluded.