
It doesn’t get more shameless than Hunter Biden

Hunter Biden has thrust himself back into the limelight. At this point, you have to seriously question whether he’s a masochist.

Or he just needs the money. Could go either way.

Prince Biden began promoting his to-be-released memoir, “Beautiful Things,” starting with an excerpt from the book recounting, in part, the attacks he faced from President Trump during the 2020 campaign.

“I became a proxy for Donald Trump’s fear that he won’t be reelected,” Biden wrote. “He pushed debunked conspiracy theories about work I did in Ukraine and China . . .”

Of all the things we’ve learned about Biden within the last year, “debunked conspiracy theories” are the least embarrassing. But so long as he brought it up, what is he talking about?

Hunter Biden literally did work in Ukraine and China, most of it mysterious and still unexplained. The allegation from Trump was that Burisma, the Ukrainian gas company Biden “consulted” for, was involved in corrupt international dealings. Yeah, that belief was shared by a lot of people, including people in the British government who have initiated multiple investigations into Burisma as an apparent money laundering operation.

Barack Obama, Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden attending an NCAA basketball in 2010. Jonathan Ernst/Reuters

And yes, people took notice that as vice president, Hunter’s dad Joe was engaging in diplomacy with Ukrainian officials, including a state prosecutor who was investigating Burisma.

None of that was a conspiracy. It’s a fact, just like it’s a fact that Joe Biden himself is on the record expressing his discomfort with his son’s curious position on the board of Burisma.

“At one point that it came out that [Hunter] was on the board [of Burisma],” Biden recalled during a radio interview in October 2019. “I said, ‘I sure hope to hell you know what you’re doing.’ Period. I said that.”

Hunter Biden and Joe Biden seen in 2016. Teresa Kroeger/Getty Images for World Food Program USA

And yes, Hunter Biden traveled with his dad aboard Air Force 2 to China, where, he had yet more business arrangements entangled with the Chinese government.

In a new interview with CBS, Hunter conceded that he wouldn’t have been offered these lucrative opportunities if not for his connection to the White House when his dad was vice president.

Reporting from The New York Post in October last year, all substantiated by emails and un-rebutted by the Bidens, showed that Hunter was soliciting foreign deals while he father was in office. What did he think these Chinese and Ukrainian officials wanted from him?

He preposterously claims that Burisma wanted to stick it to Vladimir Putin by having a Biden on the board. There are less expensive ways of getting under Putin’s skin than paying an American politician’s son $50,000 a month, which, by his own admission, he was spending on drug binges.

Hunter Biden speaks by video feed during the the 2020 Democratic National Convention. Democratic National Convention/Pool via Reuters

Does Hunter Biden not see the irony of insisting that he’s never traded on his father’s name, when that’s exactly what he’s still doing. Whatever Simon & Schuster paid for the book (rumors go from a high six figures to $2 million), it wouldn’t have paid it if his father wasn’t about to be president.

For Hunter Biden, there is no shame.