
Letters to the Editor — Feb. 27, 2021

The Issue: The parole of a man convicted of killing NYPD Officer Harry Ryman in 1980.

The parole of cop-killer Paul Ford is yet another sign that Gov. Cuomo has absolutely no regard for victims’ families (“Slain-cop kin aghast at murderer’s parole,” Feb. 21).

Cuomo has no interest in protecting the residents of New York, as his criminal-justice reforms and handpicked Parole Board members are causing violent criminals to be released onto our streets.

It is time for all New Yorkers to wake up and protect themselves by pushing this ruthless tyrant out of his easy chair.

Nicholas Maffei

Some 20 cop-killers have been released by Cuomo’s moronic and irresponsible Parole Board since 2017, including one who murdered two cops in one incident.

Combine that with the release of the killer of two moms who were slain with their kids in the house, and you have to wonder how board members keep their jobs.

Meanwhile, Cuomo, who appointed them, wrote a book on leadership, which in retrospect is a total joke, even aside from the parole board.

Where is the outrage over this? How is giving hope to murderers serving society? When will they disband this Parole Board?

Niles Welikson
Williston Park

The Parole Board members lack reason and common sense.

This board has released 20 cop-killers since 2017. What an embarrassing record.

This is morally bankrupt, unethical and shows absolutely no compassion or consideration for these police officers’ families.

This time, it’s the killer of Police Officer Harry Ryman, who gave up his life trying to stop three thugs from stealing a neighbor’s car.

These poor families had to suffer without a father, husband or son.

So tell me: How is anyone’s life improved by of the release of another cop-killer?

Mike Pedano
South Farmingdale

Cuomo’s tenure as governor will forever be remembered for the thousands of nursing-home deaths attributed to his incompetence. That is how it should be.

However, the release of cop-killer Paul Ford by a Cuomo-appointed Parole Board is a reminder that the damage done by this politician is far-reaching.

A life sentence has no meaning in a progressive, liberal state. Who could have guessed that some 40 years after the murder of a policeman, the cops would be the bad guys and lowlife scum like Ford would be freed?

Robert Mangi

The Issue: A new documentary that details the accusations of sexual abuse against Woody Allen.

I am fuming after reading Andrea Peyser’s column (“Put me on Team Woody — Mia is full of it,” Feb. 22).

The reason why child molestation continues is because people turn a blind eye to the facts.

Let me ask you this — who in their right mind marries their partner’s own child, adopted or not? If you cannot see there is something wrong with that picture, you have blinders on.

There are limited instances where people have falsely accused others of being child molesters in order to gain custody of their children during a divorce or separation.

In the case between Woody Allen and Mia Farrow, you have to look at his behavior. I believe the claims are true.

Panagiota Giakoumis

I never liked Allen or Farrow, so I have no bias in this endless feud, but I’m shocked that anyone could watch the new HBO documentary and not realize that it’s corrupt and dishonest to only tell one side.

Anyone can make another person look bad with lies or exaggerations.

Andrew Nace-Enzminger