Food & Drink

Comedian Robyn Schall hands out thousands of dollars in tips at NYC bar

A Big Apple comedian spread some love for hospitality workers suffering amid the coronavirus pandemic — splashing $13,000 in tips at an Upper West Side bar thanks to her online fans.

Robyn Schall livestreamed her outdoor meal at Lilly’s Cocktail and Wine Thursday night, and urged her 142,000 followers to donate an early Valentine’s gift to the workers, who have struggled to eek out a living during COVID-19 dining restrictions.

Excitement mounted as the waitress, Ulyana Hrushchak, came to the table to present the bill.

“My name’s Robyn, I’m a comedian” Schall said to her.

“This morning I said to them [my followers] that we should do something good, and everyone around the world donated money, and we want to give you $7,000!”

“Oh my god are you joking?” a stunned Ulyana replied.

“I still feel like it wasn’t real,” Hrushchak said in a phone interview with Bloomberg on Friday. “It’s one of these pinch-me moments.”

Hrushchak, a 24-year-old from Ireland, told the outlet the tip was twice what she typically makes in a good month, and she plans to send some of it back home, to pay her rent and bills, and also to take a small vacation.

The gift giving didn’t stop there, as there were more than $6,000 left in contributions.

As the livestream continued, Schall called over Tracy, the bartender, and cooks Victor and Andres, presenting them with checks for $2,000 each.

She also picked up the tab of a couple sitting at the table behind her, and left a $100 tip on the $58 bill.

With $100 left over, Schall popped into Big Nick’s Pizzeria, and presented the staff with the cash.

In a post Saturday, Schall reflected on the event and thanked her free-handed followers.

“My amazing fans came together & helped give unsuspecting people a giant pandemic valentine,” she wrote.

“I am grateful to be the one that handed over the checks but the credit must go to the thousands of people who donated without knowing where or who we would give it to. You guys are the best and I’m so thankful you follow me and trusted me with this!!!!! I may give you guys some laughs but YOU give me faith in people! I love you! Thanks for being freakin awesome!”

The 84,000 people who watched the livestream were floored by the emotional event.

One commenter summed up the feel good fest typing: “I’m not crying, you’re crying!! This was amazingggg!”