
8-year-old border collie inherits $5M from owner

An 8-year-old border collie named Lulu experienced fame and fur-tune after inheriting millions from her late owner.

“Five million dollars will be transferred to a trust to be formed upon my death for the care of my border collie, Lulu,” the will reads, according to News Channel 5. The money comes from the prosperous pooch’s owner, Bill Dorris of Nashville, Tennessee, who made the peculiar decision before passing away last year at 84 with no wife to whom he could bequeath his massive holdings.

Lulu will be placed under the guardianship of Martha Burton, 88, who cared for the lucky dog during Dorris’ frequent business trips.

“I don’t really know what to think about it to tell you the truth,” Burton told News Channel 5 of Lulu’s relationship with her late master. “He just really loved the dog.”

The estate is in probate, so it’s unclear how much it is worth. However, Dorris’ friends say he owned gargantuan real estate holdings and investments.

Nonetheless, Lulu’s newfound wealth isn’t a license to start chewing priceless dinosaur bones or adding wings onto her doghouse. The will simply permits Burton to be “reimbursed for reasonable monthly expenses.”

While dropping $5 million on a dog might sound insane, Lulu’s new owner said “she’d like to try.”

This isn’t the first time a pet owner has bequeathed a fortune onto a lucky dog. In 2015, a Queens woman rewrote her will to leave her Maltese a million-dollar fortune consisting of jewelry, a trust fund and vacation home.