US News

Protesters clash with authorities outside Portland ICE facility

Demonstrators calling for an end to deportations massed outside a federal Immigrations and Customs Enforcement building in Portland, Ore. late Saturday, continuing a recent run of protests in the city, according to reports and social media posts.

“No borders! No nations! Abolish deportations!” the group of dozens chanted outside an ICE facility in the City of Roses, a video clip posted to Twitter shows.

Officers from the Federal Protective Service — a unit within the Department of Homeland Security — declared an “unlawful assembly” around 10 p.m. local time and ordered the crowd to disperse, according to Fox News.

“If you trespass on federal property with a weapon . . . you will be arrested,” a recording played to the crowd additionally warned.

When the order to clear out went unheeded, tear gas was launched into the mass of protesters.

It was not immediately clear if any arrests were made.

After raging with sometimes violent protests over the summer — predominantly over police brutality and racism in the wake of George Floyd’s death in Minneapolis — Portland again became the scene of unrest this week, starting on the night of President Biden’s inauguration.

The protests come even though President Biden, as one of his first official acts last week, put a temporary halt on deportations.

Federal agents in riot gear used tear gas and flash bangs in efforts to disperse a protest outside the Immigrations and Customs Enforcement (ICE) office in Portland
Federal agents in riot gear used tear gas and flash bangs in efforts to disperse a protest outside the Immigrations and Customs Enforcement (ICE) office in Portland Brendan Gutenschwager via Storyful