
Letters to the editor — Jan. 24, 2021

Climate insanity
It was encouraging to read Bjorn Lomborg (“Joe’s Mad Earth Alarm,” Post Opinion, Jan. 16).
Lomborg’s “False Alarm” is essential reading for anyone interested in the real effects of climate change. This book carefully explores the human impact on the climate and offers a thoughtful, realistic and practical response. It should be assigned reading in every high school.

Sadly, I doubt that any members of Congress, especially the advocates of the Green New Deal, have bothered to take the time to read it. Heaven forbid they should educate themselves before taking a position.
David H. Pentkowski
Clifton Park

Green pipe dreams
The Post is spot-on about Gov. Cuomo’s Green New Deal pipe dream (“Poisonous Green Dreams,” Editorial, Jan. 16).

The costs would be prohibitive, and the “clean energy” could never replace fossil fuels. Moreover, any Green New Deal without extensive use of nuclear power is a forlorn hope, yet Cuomo is opposed to that.

The problem is that the governor is a liberal ideologue and therefore impervious to rational arguments. Just as he proudly and stubbornly persists in his destructive, never-ending lockdowns that have wrecked the economy of both the city and state without ending the recent surge in COVID, he will not desist from inflicting his master plan for complete independence from fossil fuels on all New Yorkers.

The result, of course, will be skyrocketing debt, taxes, regulations and energy costs and a continued exodus of businesses and taxpayers to less “enlightened” states. New York is in a death spiral and is probably beyond salvaging.
Dennis Middlebrooks

Fake vax facts
One of the inevitable problems in a society where everyone is encouraged to “form their own beliefs” is that many people lack critical understanding and will spout nonsense and feel it’s as good as anyone else’s opinion (“Nurses: No jabs here!” Jan. 17).

Nurses in Coffee County, Kan., are refusing to vaccinate patients because, the health department boss says, the vaccines have only been tried on 45 people. What?

Most of us know nurses personally and feel, with justification, that they tend to be kind and caring people, and these nurses are probably such a people. However, this view is wildly unscientific and inaccurate.

She essentially left off three zeroes. The Moderna and Pfizer vaccines together, both employing the same basic technology, were used on about 44,000 people at the Phase III level, and the results were spectacularly good. How fortunate we are for that. That is why responsible scientists moved to approve them.

Sowing the seeds of yet more distrust based on distorted facts in our society is irresponsible. Sure, let people make their own decisions, but first give them the facts, not the “alternative” facts of paranoid fantasies.
Robert Boyd
Cheshire, Conn.

Cuo’s Shelly slam
It seems Gov. Cuomo is not content with simply blaming the fall/winter rise in COVID case on his favorite scapegoats, the Jews (“Pardon parade on his last day,” Jan. 21).

In his comment that President Trump’s pardon of Sheldon Silver was a “favor for someone in the Jewish community,” once again our governor has allowed his inherent anti-Semitism to come out.

Silver didn’t even get the pardon, making Cuomo’s comment not only offensive but moot. To me, it sounds like sour grapes. It is petty, inflammatory and frankly beneath an elected official.
Rachel Yagel