
Jewish docs for Jew-haters and other commentary

Foreign desk: Jewish Docs for Jew-Haters

It’s ironic, if not “weird,” that Saeb Erekat, a top Palestinian official who “did his best to destroy” Israel before his death last month, looked to ­Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital in Jerusalem to treat his coronavirus, snarks Reuven Berko at The Investigative Project on Terrorism. Then again, Sheik Ikrima Sabri called for the “annihilation of the Zionists” yet had Jewish doctors at Hadassah perform heart surgery, saving his life. Hamas’ leader’s daughter went to Tel Aviv’s Ichilov Hospital after complications suffered in a Gaza hospital — just two months after Hamas started a war with Israel. “The parade of Hamas murderers, kidnappers and genocidal Jew-hating terrorists who find no moral contradiction in seeking medical help from the very people they are sworn to wipe out boggles the mind.”

Conservative: Our Great Loss

As an economist, the late Walter Williams “never got the credit he ­deserved,” laments Thomas Sowell at Townhall. His “Race and Economics” is a “must-read introduction to the subject.” “South Africa’s War Against Capitalism,” on economics under apartheid, had “implications for racial discrimination” throughout the world. “As a person,” Williams — “my best friend for half a century” — was “unique”: He was “generous” with his money, “despite his opposition to the welfare state, as something doing more harm than good.” He held a black belt in karate. And he went to his job at 4:30 a.m., the “only person who had no problem finding a parking space” in downtown DC. “We may never see his like again. And that is our loss.”

Economist: The Tragedy of Black Education

In his final column for Creators Syndicate, the late Walter Williams spotlights the failure of urban public schools to educate African Americans. “In five Baltimore City high schools, not a single student scored proficient in math or reading” yet “about 70 percent of the students graduate.” These systems rush to teach about “systemic racism” and “Black Lives Matter ­activism.” This, when Baltimore’s Frederick Douglass HS and others were truly excellent through the 1950s, “an era when blacks were much poorer than today and faced gross racial discrimination.” Douglass “produced many distinguished alumni, such as Thurgood Marshall and Cab Calloway.” Alumni of DC’s all-black Paul Laurence Dunbar HS “include US Sen. Edward Brooke, physician Charles Drew and, during World War II, nearly a score” of top military officers. Both schools have far more resources ­today, but it means “nothing in terms of academic achievement.”

Media watch: Trump’s Poor Taste Isn’t Criminal

The New York Times “may have surpassed itself,” sneers Conrad Black at The Hill, with its magazine cover story “Donald Trump’s Potential Criminal Liability Is the Key to Understanding His Presidency.” The piece was “a stupefying bowdlerization of facts and a character assassination of the president,” who was “envisioned in ‘an orange jumpsuit’ worn by violent inmates in high-security prisons.” The Times sees charges against Trump for the “Michael Cohen and the Stormy Daniels nonsense,” even though it admits similar charges against 2004 Democratic vice presidential candidate John ­Edwards failed. The “principal problem” of Trump-haters is they’re “so possessed by their loathing that they lose all judgment and imagine that his many tawdry acts and utterances are crimes.” It’s wishful thinking, unless we criminalize “poor taste.”

From the right: Demography Needn’t Be Destiny

“Demography is destiny” has long “been the battle cry of the left,” Mike Gonzalez writes at Law & Liberty — the idea that immigration “will transform our democracy over time.” Yet “the 2020 election offers a window as to how Americans might avert this future.” Mexican Americans in rural Texas swung to the GOP, as did Cubans and Puerto Ricans in Florida, while “Chinese-American parents, mostly immigrants, organized a revolt against the attempt to introduce racial preferences in California.” German immigrants were seen as a threat to the culture in the 19th century, as were later immigrant waves. Yet the nation in each case embraced assimilation. In short, “demography is only destiny if we allow it to be, by accepting the left’s transformation of culture.”

Compiled by The Post Editorial Board