US News

Wisconsin certifies Joe Biden victory after partial recount

Wisconsin officials on Monday certified President-elect Joe Biden’s win after a partial recount added 87 votes to the Democrat’s narrow margin.

Ann Jacobs, the Democratic chairwoman of the Wisconsin Elections Commission, confirmed Biden’s victory over President Trump by 20,695 votes out of about 3.3 million ballots cast.

Trump’s campaign paid $3 million this month for a recount of votes in the heavily Democratic counties that contain Madison and Milwaukee, but the review ended Sunday with a small number of additional votes for Biden.

The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reports that the Trump campaign is expect to file an additional legal challenge to the certification. Jacobs’s signature on a document “puts the state on record as having found Biden the winner,” the Journal Sentinel reports.

Earlier Monday, Arizona officials certified Biden’s razor-thin victory by just 10,457 votes out of about 3.4 million ballots cast. Georgia previously certified Biden the winner by 12,587 votes and Pennsylvania certified Biden’s win by 81,660 votes.

The Electoral College officially selects the next president on Dec. 14, and unless state results are overturned, Biden will have 306 votes to Trump’s 232 votes. In 2016, seven electors were recorded voting for someone other than the winner of their state.

Trump said at a Thanksgiving press conference that he will leave office on Jan. 20 if the Electoral College votes for Biden, but that “if they do, they’ve made a mistake.”

Trump won Wisconsin by 22,748 votes in 2016, but this year state officials booted the left-wing Green Party’s presidential ticket for incorrectly listing its vice presidential candidate’s address on some forms. Green Party candidate Jill Stein took 31,072 votes in 2016.

Wisconsin officials also banned independent candidate Kanye West — who got 7,937 votes in next-door Minnesota — for submitting his candidacy forms 14 seconds late.

A statewide recount of Wisconsin ballots in 2016 — financed by Stein and Democrats seeking to reverse Trump’s win — gave Trump a slightly greater advantage. It added 844 votes to his total and 713 votes for Democrat Hillary Clinton.