
Brazil’s Jair Bolsonaro delays congratulating Joe Biden amid fraud claims

Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro has admitted that he is not yet ready to accept Joe Biden as the winner of the US presidential election.

“I have my sources of information that there really was a lot of fraud there,” Bolsonaro told reporters Sunday, echoing President Trump’s allegations of irregularities in the US vote.

“Nobody talks about that. If it was enough to define (victory) for one or the other, I don’t know.”

Asked outright if he would recognize Biden’s victory, he said, “I am holding back a little more.”

Bolsonaro has tapped into a populist base in Brazil similar to Trump’s in the US, and has even embraced being labeled the “Trump of the Tropics.”

He also expressed doubts about Brazil’s current electronic voting system, urging the country to go back to a paper ballot system for the 2022 presidential election.

With Post wires