
Defiant NYC bar in COVID-19 hotspot closes for TV spot as people bang on door for drinks

The Staten Island bar owner who has defied COVID-19 restrictions kept his business’ doors locked on Monday so he could appear in an interview on the “Tucker Carlson Tonight” show from his establishment.

Even as the owner closed shop, desperate would-be customers banged on the door, demanding drinks.

One couple drove from New Jersey to support Mac’s Public House, which is in a virus danger zone and has been ordered closed to indoor service — but they were forced to leave thirsty.

“I want to give you money!” Robyn Harrington shouted at the closed door. “We just want to give the bar some money and business,” said the 39-year-old, who came down with her boyfriend.

“What if I slide money under the door?” she asked her boyfriend. “Wonder if there is a secret code to get in.”

Owner Keith McAlarney outside Mac’s Public House in Staten Island.Gabriella Bass

The owners, Keith McAlarney and Danny Presti, came by around 6:30 p.m. to meet with their attorneys — ahead of a segment for the Fox News show that was set to film inside.

During that time, two people knocked on the door, and McAlarney opened to tell them, “We’re closed today,” explaining it was because of the scheduled interview with Carlson.

“We appreciate your support and we’ll do what we can,” he said.

The owners have told The Post they are refusing to heed state and city restrictions, which went into effect Wednesday.

So far, the bar has been slapped with thousands of dollars in fines and a shutdown order from the state Department of Health, not to mention having its state liquor license yanked.

But the bar still opened as usual Saturday and was initially opened on Sunday — until taxi sheriffs came by, prompting one of the proprietors to lock the door and say he was closed.

Several people walking past the watering hole throughout Monday peeked in the windows to see if it was open.

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A skeleton inside of Mac's Public House in Staten Island.
A skeleton "customer" inside Mac's Public House in Staten IslandElizabeth Rosner
A skeleton inside of Mac's Public House in Staten Island.
Elizabeth Rosner

One of them, FDNY firefighter Anthony Picozzi, came by to inquire about hosting a “boys night” at the bar.

“I mean I can’t speak for the FDNY [but] I’d like to organize a boys night here — anything we can do to help the bar,” he said, adding that the restrictions were “ridiculous.”

Loyal customer Walter Matuza, 29, who said he’s been gulping beers at the bar over the last three days, was also turned away.

Still, Matuza, who is blind, said he “loves” the establishment and “what they are standing for.”

“I’m a person with a disability and I have my routines … We live in a free society and people should make a living,” he said.

At around 5:45 p.m. Monday, a friend of the owners briefly allowed journalists, including a Post reporter, inside the establishment.

During that time, he said an irate woman called and yelled, “I can’t wait until you get sick and die of COVID, all you a–holes” at him over the phone.

Additional reporting by Kevin Sheehan