The time when Tim Tebow refused to curse in a Jets huddle

Tim Tebow’s adherence to his Christian faith is widely known, and this past Jets story told by Nick Mangold provides more proof of that fact.

Mangold, who played with Tebow in 2012, told a good-natured story about how far the then-Jets backup quarterback would go not to swear.

“We had a play that was a ‘Y Oh S–t’ screen, where the tight end actually fakes like he fell down on a running play, hops up, runs back over, throws back to the tight end and it’s usually wide open,” Mangold told BroBible’s “Endless Hustle” podcast. “He goes through the whole formation and gets to the last play: ‘Y, Alright Screen’ … you guys know what it is.’ ”

Mangold, an all-pro center for the Jets’ during his 11-year career, also said the team was trying to get him to say the bad word, but Tebow stayed strong.

Tim Tebow and Nick Mangold
Tim Tebow and Nick MangoldGetty Images; Bill Kostroun

“And we’re like, ‘No Tim, what is it?’ … then he goes, ‘No, I’m not going to say it.’ ”

Mangold added that the team got in trouble for taking too long in the huddle. Though Tebow’s heart was in the right place, one could still say that play was a bit of a s–t show.