
Biden planning executive orders to reverse many of Trump’s policies: report

Immediately after he takes office, President-elect Joe Biden plans to issue a slew of executive orders reversing many notable Trump administration policies, according to a report on Saturday.

The Biden camp wants to immediately repeal the ban on immigration targeting many Muslim-majority countries, The Washington Post reported.

He also wants to reinstate the program allowing “Dreamers” who were brought to the U.S. illegally as children to stay in the country, the report said.

Biden further intends to rejoin the Paris climate accords, and is also reportedly planning to reverse President Trump’s withdrawal from the World Health Organization, which was slated to take effect in July 2021.

The report comes the same day the Democrat’s election win was declared.

However, Biden’s advisers have spent months working on how to implement his agenda — and the team has compiled a book of his campaign commitments as a guide for their early administration moves, the Washington Post said.

Those around the former vice president have acknowledged that he may need to lean on executive actions and that it could be challenging to push major legislation through Congress — especially if Republicans keep control of the Senate.

“The policy team, the transition policy teams, are focusing now very much on executive power,” an anonymous Biden ally told the Washington Post.

“I expect that to be freely used in a Biden administration at this point, if the Senate becomes a roadblock.”

A Republican-held Senate, or even one with a slim Democratic majority, could force the team to resort to the Trump tactic of appointing Cabinet members in an acting capacity, given the legislative body’s power to otherwise nix nominees, the report said.

On Monday, Biden will unveil a coronavirus task force made up of scientists and experts to help him craft a plan to tackle the pandemic, he announced during his victory speech in Delaware on Saturday night.