
Rudy Giuliani vows to continue Trump’s election challenge in Pennsylvania

President Trump’s legal team in Pennsylvania, led by Rudy Giuliani, said that they intend to press on with Trump’s election challenge — even though the state, and the White House, have already been called for Joe Biden.

“He’s not going to concede when at least 600,000 ballots are in question,” Giuliani said Saturday at a Philadelphia press conference shortly after the Keystone State put Biden over the top.

“Courts set aside elections when they’re illegal,” Giuliani claimed. “There certainly is enough evidence to disqualify a certain number of ballots.”

Trump’s campaign has lodged multiple complaints about the vote tallying in Pennsylvania, whose 20 electoral votes made Biden the 46th president of the United States.

Biden had a 0.5 percent lead in the Keystone State — 28,800 votes out of more than 6.5 million cast — with straggling provisional and mail-in ballots still being examined.

At that margin, the race could be headed for a recount, which state law requires in elections that are decided by 0.5 percent of the vote or less.

And a lawsuit filed by the Pennsylvania Republican Party, based on a state court’s ruling on the validity of late mail-in ballots, is likely headed to the Supreme Court.

Giuliani, along with former Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi and Trump campaign advisor Corey Lewandowski, railed against what they claimed was Philadelphia’s “sad history of voter fraud,” alleging that multiple illegal ballots have been cast in the names of the deceased.

“Will Smith’s father has voted here twice since he has died,” Giuliani said. “I don’t know who he voted for because the vote is secret. In Philadelphia they keep the votes of dead people secret,” he joked bitterly.

“This is not anecdotal,” claimed Lewandowski. “This is hard evidence and if you do your jobs from the media and you will find additional examples.”

“The same thing was done in Georgia, the same thing was done in Michigan, the same thing was done in North Carolina,” the former mayor charged. “Seems to me somebody from the DNC sent out a note saying don’t let the Republicans look at those mail in ballots, at least not in the big democratic hack cities that we control.”

Giuliani was joined at the podium by poll watchers, several of whom provided on record statements accusing Democratic officials in Philadelphia of now allowing them to properly observe ballots.

“It’s such a shame. This is a democracy,” said GOP poll watcher Daryl Brooks. “They would not allow us to see anything. Was it corrupt or not? Give us an opportunity as poll watchers to view all the ballots.”

So far Team Trump has produced scant evidence to back up their claims of widespread systemic fraud. Biden also leads Trump in the popular vote by more than 4 million votes.

“I WON THIS ELECTION, BY A LOT!,” Trump tweeted Saturday