
Melania Trump champions husband Donald in dueling Florida rally with Biden

First lady Melania Trump gave a full-throated endorsement of her husband at a rally in Tampa as the couple campaigned together in Florida on Thursday in a dueling event with Democratic nominee Joe Biden.

Clad in a leopard-print dress, the ex-model told the crowd to re-elect President Trump, touting his foreign policy record and domestic achievements in her first appearance at a rally since Trump’s re-election kickoff in Florida in June 2019.

“President Trump chooses to move this country forward. This country deserves a president with proven results, not empty words and promises,” Melania Trump told the crowd to chants of “Four more years.”

Meanwhile, Biden was in Coconut Creek, where he told a crowd of supporters at a drive-in rally that the election would be “over” for Trump if the Sunshine State, with 29 electoral votes, went blue.

The RealClearPolitics polling average gives Biden a razor-thin .5 percentage-point lead in the battleground state, well within the margin of error.

Speaking after the rare introduction for his notoriously private wife, Trump called for the prosecution of Miles Taylor, the former Department of Homeland Security official who on Wednesday outed himself as “Anonymous,” author of a 2018 New York Times op-ed critical of the president.

“There should be major criminal liability for some scum like this,” Trump said to cheers. “It turns out to be this lowlife who nobody knows who he is. He had nothing to do with us.

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Donald Trump and Melania Trump during campaigning at a rally in Tampa, Florida today.
Donald Trump and Melania Trump during campaigning at a rally in Tampa, Florida today.AFP via Getty Images
Donald Trump and Melania Trump during campaigning at a rally in Tampa, Florida today.
Donald Trump and Melania Trump during campaigning at a rally in Tampa, Florida today.

“He should be prosecuted. Are you listening to me back in Washington? He should be prosecuted,” Trump went on.

The commander-in-chief also railed against Biden’s son Hunter, following The Post’s bombshell coverage of their shady overseas business dealings.

“They don’t call him out on where’s Hunter,” Trump said, blasting the media blackout of the scandal-scarred son’s emails, which indicate the former veep was involved in a deal to make millions in China.

“Where’s Hunter? Is Hunter in the crowd?” he went on to cheers of “Where is Hunter?” and “Lock him up!”

The Slovenian-born first lady had been slated to join her husband at a campaign rally in Erie, Pa., earlier this month, but had to cancel her appearance because she was suffering from lingering COVID-19 symptoms after the first family contracted the virus.

The low-profile first lady traveled on Tuesday to the swing state of Pennsylvania, where she told a crowd of supporters that Joe Biden was a “socialist.”