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Jeremy Corbyn, former UK opposition leader, suspended over anti-Semitism claims

Britain’s opposition Labour Party on Thursday suspended former leader Jeremy Corbyn for refusing to own up to a damning report about his handling of anti-Semitism complaints.

A government watchdog claimed Corbyn’s office broke equality laws through its “inexcusable” handling of the complaints, which current party leader Keir Starmer called “a day of shame for the Labour Party.”

Corbyn refused to accept the findings, however, dismissing them as “dramatically overstated for political reasons.”

“In light of his comments made today and his failure to retract them subsequently, the Labour Party has suspended Jeremy Corbyn pending investigation,” the party said in a statement.

“He has also had the whip removed from the Parliamentary Labour Party,” the party added, which The Sun noted is one of the most severe punishments that can be imposed on an MP.

Corbyn — a Labour MP for 37 years and leader for five — said he would “strongly contest the political intervention to suspend me.”

“I’ve made absolutely clear that those who deny there has been an antisemitism problem in the Labour Party are wrong,” he wrote in a statement.

“I will continue to support a zero-tolerance policy towards all forms of racism,” he said, saying he believed the rift would be “resolved amicably.”

The Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) report said Corbyn’s leadership team underplayed, belittled or ignored complaints by Jewish members, and sometimes actively interfered to support favored allies, after a deluge of anti-Semitic abuse online and in party meetings.

The commission said it found “significant failings” and a “lack of leadership” in handling complaints from its members.

Luciana Berger, one of many Jewish members to quit the party under Corbyn, said the report was a vindication of her accusations about being threatened by his supporters with acid attack, stabbing and rape.

“The party facilitated a culture of bullying, bigotry and intimidation against Jewish people from within its ranks. At every step of the way, Jeremy Corbyn enabled this to happen,” she wrote in a blog post.

Starmer — who was elected the party’s leader in April — said the report produced such clear evidence that anyone who denies it is “part of the problem, too.”

“And you should be no part of the Labour Party,” he said of deniers during a press conference hours before Corbyn’s suspension.

“I found this report hard to read. It is a day of shame for the Labour Party,” he said. “We have failed Jewish people, our members, our supporters and the British public.”

“On behalf of the Labour Party, I am truly sorry for all the pain and grief it has caused,” he continued.

“I can promise you this: I will act. Never again will Labour let you down. Never again will we fail to tackle anti-Semitism,” Starmer said, saying there would be “no more denials or excuses.”

With Post wires