
Trump calls clashes between NYC law enforcement and Orthodox community ‘grim picture’

President Trump linked to a video of members of the Orthodox community clashing with New York City law enforcement officers as they tried to disperse crowds protesting new coronavirus restrictions, referring to the scene as a “grim picture.”

“Wow, what does this grim picture remind you of? I am the only thing in the Radical Left’s way! VOTE,” the president wrote in a tweet on Wednesday.

Trump linked to the video in “Casino” actor James Woods’ Twitter account, in which the conservative actor laid into Mayor Bill de Blasio, who along with Gov. Andrew Cuomo ordered the crackdown.

“’Rounding up the Jews’ is an optic that I would never have expected to see in my American lifetime. DeBlasio is a criminal. No wonder he changed his name from Wilhelm. He is an anti-Semite thug piece of s—,” Woods wrote in his posting.

Hizzoner did not directly address Trump’s tweet but said he was aware that some will disagree with the actions.

“There will be people who try to divide us in this moment of challenge. Don’t let them do it. What we need now is voices of all communities to come together and say this is all of us,” he said at a coronavirus briefing Wednesday. “Let’s support each other, let’s work with each other.”

The 96-second video showed members of the Orthodox community gathering in the streets Tuesday evening to protest state restrictions imposed on synagogues, schools and some businesses following an uptick in coronavirus cases in parts of Brooklyn and Queens.

U.S. President Donald Trump
President TrumpGetty Images

It shows a line of NYPD and sheriff’s office personnel trying to disperse a crowd in the street protesting the new rules and celebrating the Sukkot holiday.

It’s unclear in the video where the unrest was occurring, but protests broke out Tuesday evening in parts of Borough Park, one of the areas where the new measures are the most restrictive.

The crowds disrupted traffic, started rubbish fires and chanted “Jewish lives matter” at some of the protests.

Cuomo announced the lockdowns on Tuesday and introduced color-coded maps spelling out the level of restrictions for each zip code.

In the “most intense” areas, marked in red, non-essential businesses and schools will be shuttered, restaurants will be restricted to takeout, mass gatherings will be banned and houses of worship will be limited to a maximum of 25 percent capacity.

The measures are expected to take effect Thursday and last two weeks.

Borough Park protestors congregate at 13th Ave and 46th Street in protest over COVID-19 restrictions
Borough Park protesters congregate at 13th Avenue and 46th Street in protest of COVID-19 restrictions.New York Post