
Study finds 4,200 kids in NYC have lost a parent to COVID-19

More than 4,000 children in New York have lost a parent to coronavirus — with the pandemic hitting those in the Bronx, Brooklyn and Queens the hardest, according to a study published Wednesday.

Researchers with the United Hospital Fund and Boston Consulting Group analyzed the lasting effects the COVID-19 crisis has had on children under age 18.

They found that between March and July, 4,200 kids experienced the death of a parent or caregiver and 325,000 children have been pushed into or near poverty.

Fifty-seven percent of those deaths were in the Bronx, Brooklyn and Queens, the study said.

The findings also underscored racial disparities: Black and Hispanic children lost parents from coronavirus at twice the rate of Asian and white kids.

New York City has recorded 238,733 coronavirus cases and 19,183 confirmed deaths, according to Health Department data.

Additional reporting by Susan Edelman