
How to handle a second COVID-19 wave

Europe is seeing a second wave of COVID, and America may be heading the same way. It’s certainly cause for concern — but not panic.

Daily cases in the EU and UK hit record highs last month. Some areas are reimposing restrictions to curb the spread.

The United States so far hasn’t seen a second nationwide explosion, certainly nothing like what it faced in the spring; the numbers remain well below levels from back then. Yet a full 26 states reported higher seven-day averages on Wednesday than the week before. Wisconsin’s surge has even taxed its hospitals.

In New York, Gov. Andrew Cuomo on Tuesday cited 20 ZIP codes with a troubling average of 5 percent positive test results. Gotham’s positives topped 3 percent this week, before falling back below 1 percent.

Even small upticks are worrisome as winter approaches and threatens to fuel the spread. Both Cuomo and Mayor de Blasio are eyeing new restrictions.

Yet a second wave is highly unlikely to be as bad as the first. For starters, many new cases are hitting younger folks, who are less at risk of severe symptoms and death. Indeed, deaths in Europe haven’t spiked, despite rising cases — though COVID’s long-term effects remain a concern for survivors.

Flat death rates may also be the result of better treatment, thanks to what doctors have learned from bitter experience. Hospitals now flip patients onto their bellies rather than rushing to use ventilators. Drugs like remdesivir and dexamethasone have shown promise. Convalescent plasma and vitamins, like C and D, also seem helpful.

If a second wave does erupt, the response must be sensible, balanced and also based on what’s been learned. Limited, local restrictions may make sense, but (as we now know all too well) broad lockdowns inflict enormous costs — to both health and the economy — to unclear benefit.

Folks, after all, curb their behavior when virus numbers rise without extreme mandates (such as Cuomo’s senseless ban on booze in bars without a food purchase).

The economy today, especially in New York, is also on life support. Our leaders mustn’t kill the patient to treat the disease.