
City Council to vote Monday on giving Bronx lawmaker Andy King the boot

The New York City Council is set to vote on expelling Bronx lawmaker Andy King from the body on Monday after its ethics watchdog hit the councilman with a new slew of charges, alleging he continued to abuse his staff and stole city funds.

The Council posted a notice of a rare Monday meeting, which sources confirmed was to consider removing the misbehaving Democrat from office.

Any expulsion vote requires a two-thirds majority in the body, which appears likely as Council Speaker Corey Johnson said Tuesday he would back the move and King appears to have few allies left in the body.

The Council’s ethics committee announced Tuesday it had found substantial evidence of misbehavior by King — ending the panel’s third investigation into allegations against the politician who was once best known for wearing bow-ties.

Its chairman, Councilman Steve Matteo (R-Staten Island), revealed that King allegedly engineered a kickback scheme involving city funds that netted $2,000 and that he continued to mistreat his staff, including telling one female employee in need of emergency medical treatment for menstrual bleeding to “put a band-aid on it.”

The previous two investigations by Matteo’s committee also found King violated Council policies and city regulations.

King was previously ordered to take sensitivity training in 2018 when the ethics committee determined he sexually harassed a staffer. He was censured, suspended and fined $15,000 in 2019 by the Council after the ethics committee determined the councilman misused city funds and retaliated against staff who reported his misbehavior.