
Biden campaign raises record $3.8 million during first presidential debate

CLEVELAND, Ohio — Tuesday evening’s chaotic presidential debate between Joe Biden and President Trump may have been derided as a “s–t show” and a “hot mess,” but the 90-minute showdown still managed to fatten the Democratic nominee’s coffers with a record amount of cash.

The Biden campaign on Wednesday announced it had hauled in a massive $3.8 million in the single hour between 10 p.m. and 11 p.m. as the two candidates duked it out in their first face-to-face match-up in Cleveland, Ohio.

During a call with reporters, Biden communications manager Kate Bedingfield said the multimillion-dollar cash injection was the largest the former veep has raised in a single hour and of any campaign on Democratic fundraising platform ActBlue.

The Trump campaign has not yet announced its fundraising figures from Tuesday night.

While the Biden campaign was beset by financial woes throughout the brutal primary race and trailed Trump’s fundraising figures earlier this year, the 77-year-old candidate now has $466 million in the bank, about $100 million more than the GOP.

The former Delaware senator has seen huge cash injections into his campaign since announcing Kamala Harris as his vice president and has also benefited from fundraising events with Democratic heavy hitters like Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.

Meanwhile, the Trump campaign, which once boasted an enormous $1.1 billion war chest, is down to $325 million amid reports of profligate spending and poor management by former campaign manager Brad Parscale.

Joe Biden
Joe BidenAFP via Getty Images

Trump in July replaced Parscale with Bill Stepien, who has since reined in the campaign’s spending and is auditing Trump 2020’s finances.

Parscale was arrested outside his Florida home earlier this week when his distressed wife called the police and said the former operative had a gun and was threatening to harm himself.