
Retired military leaders endorse Trump, say he’ll protect ‘American way of life’

More than 200 retired military leaders have endorsed President Trump for re-election, the group of veterans announced through the Trump campaign.

In a statement released Monday, the group argued that the current commander-in-chief would better protect “the American way of life.”

“The 2020 election affords the American people an urgently needed opportunity to affirm their devotion to the Constitution of the United States and to the American way of life,” the statement read.

“As senior leaders of America’s military, we took an oath to defend the United States from all enemies, foreign and domestic. At present, our country is now confronted with enemies here and abroad, as well as a once in a century pandemic. As retired military officers, we believe that Donald J. Trump has been tested as few other presidents have and is the proven leader to confront these dangers.”

The letter, obtained in full by Fox News, went on to slam a potential Democratic administration, as well as the legacy of the Obama-Biden administration.

“With the Democratic Party welcoming to socialists and Marxists, our historic way of life is at stake,” it reads.

The retired military leaders then warned that some of the Democratic Party platform posed a threat to US national security.

“After years of neglect from the Obama-Biden administration, our service members and veterans have finally found a strong advocate in President Trump. The Trump administration has rebuilt the military, completely overhauled the Department of Veterans Affairs, and launched groundbreaking initiatives to assist military families and prevent veteran suicide.

“In contrast, Joe Biden’s record on the military and veterans is one of failure: debilitating budget cuts, failed foreign policy decisions, and an inability to provide our nation’s heroes with the quality health care they deserve,” the Trump campaign added in a statement on the endorsements.