
11-year-old ‘hero’ drives sick grandma to hospital — in a Mercedes-Benz

When his grandmother was struggling to stand, an 11-year-old Indiana grandson got it in gear.

PJ Brewer-Laye, who was driving his go-kart at the time, had been out with Angela Brewer-Laye last week in their Indianapolis neighborhood as she walked nearby. The pair were about a mile and a half from their home when his grandma began to feel ill.

At that moment, PJ was zooming up and down the street past his ailing grandmother.

Feeling dizzy, weak and unable to see clearly, Angela leaned against a road sign. Then her blurry vision began to sharpen.

“I was leaning against the stop sign, and all of a sudden, I look to my right, and I see my car — my Mercedes-Benz coming towards me. Just in an easy, calm manner, it was coming towards me,” the woman told 11Alive.

“I looked in the car. It was him — it was PJ,” Angela recalled.

The boy, who just turned 12 but was 11 at the time of the incident, had quickly noticed the change in his grandma, and didn’t think twice about riding his go-kart home to fetch a more suitable road vehicle.

Angela praised the driving skills of her grandson, who, she explained, has had a lot of practice in his short life.

“This child is only 11 years old and drives like a pro,” she said. “He always rides either his four-wheeler, go-kart or his dirt bike while I’m trying to get a little exercise in.”

It wasn’t PJ’s first time behind the wheel of a full-size automobile, either, as his grandfather, Angela’s husband, often used to ask a young PJ to rearrange their cars in the driveway or yard — under Grandpa’s close watch, of course. PJ’s trip to the hospital last week was his first time on the road in a car.

“He drove me home, and he pulled in the driveway. And when I say he pulled in the driveway so precise, because my driveway is kind of narrow … He didn’t go up the curb, in the grass, nothing. He pulled in the driveway, in the garage, and helped me out the car,” said Angela, adding that he was “calm and collected” at the wheel, even during an emergency.

“He’s an extra special little boy and he doesn’t ask for anything in return,” said Angela.

PJ Brewer-Laye
PJ Brewer-Laye11Alive

As to why, of all her cars, PJ chose the Mercedes-Benz, Angela explained it was simply the easiest vehicle for him to reach at the time — though one couldn’t blame the boy hero for being drawn to the top-dollar car.

Said one viewer, who saw 11Alive’s coverage on YouTube, “Pj been wanting to drive that Mercedes for a long time. Such a smart young man.”

Another joked that PJ drove the luxury vehicle “with class.”