
‘Crazed’ man shoves MTA worker in front of oncoming subway in Brooklyn

A 65-year-old subway platform conductor was pushed onto the tracks by a “crazed assailant” and narrowly missed being hit by a train in Brooklyn Tuesday morning, transit leaders said.

“He was working his job on the platform when some crazed assailant, just out of the blue, shoves him onto the track in the path of an oncoming A train,” said Eric Loegel, who heads the rapid transit division of Transport Workers Union Local 100.

The random attack happened at 8 a.m. in Downtown Brooklyn’s Hoyt-Schermerhorn station, where the unnamed conductor is responsible for managing crowds.

Straphangers were able to signal to the oncoming train to stop in time, but the conductor still suffered multiple fractured ribs, spinal injuries and herniated discs from the fall, Loegel said.

The suspected attacker, wearing all black clothing, fled the scene, according to an NYPD spokesperson.

It one of three attacks on transit workers in a nine-hour span Monday evening and Tuesday morning, the MTA said.

In the first incident, at 11:05 p.m. in the East Village, a man held the doors of a bus open as a woman ran on and punched the bus driver in the face “several times,” transit officials said.

The third and final attack was Tuesday morning at Jamaica Avenue and 132nd Street in Queens, where someone smashed a glass window on the driver’s side of a bus and “verbally assaulted” the driver, according to the MTA.

Transit workers have faced a spike in violent attacks this year amid the COVID-19 pandemic, The Post reported in July. On Tuesday, union president Tony Utano called on the MTA  to “do a better job protecting its workers.”

In a statement, Interim Transit President Sarah Feinberg acknowledged the attacks were “part of a troubling pattern we are seeing across our system,” but pointed the blame at NYPD.

“We have sounded the alarm on this disturbing trend to the NYPD a number of times. More needs to be done,” Feinberg said.

Union rep Loegel said the increase in attacks is “alarming” given the 75 percent drop in subway ridership since March.

“Our ridership is down by more than 4 million, yet we’re still seeing assaults, if not daily, several times a week, against our frontline employees who have served heroically throughout the pandemic to keep the city moving,” Loegel said.

“There’s these psychos out there that don’t care.”

Additional reporting by Tina Moore