US News

Raging bull charges firemen battling California wildfire

Firefighters battling the massive Lake Fire north of Los Angeles had another dangerous thing to contend with —  a raging bull.

A video posted Friday on Twitter shows three firefighters sprinting down a hill — just a few steps ahead of a bull with long, sharp horns. Journalist Amy Lanski shot the footage from safe inside inside a Ventura County fire truck

In her tweet, Lanski wrote: “Yikes!! No thank you!!! Glad everyone is okay! BIG THANKS to all the men and women out there working their hardest to keep people and homes safe!! @LACOFD @LACoFDPIO @VCFD + ALL the other departments! #LakeFire #lakehughesfire

The blaze near Lake Hughes, which is about 60 miles from LA, has forced thousands to flee their homes, CBS Los Angeles reported. As of Saturday, the fire had burned 17.000 acres and more than 20 structures.