
This is what parents think about NYC’s school reopening plan

Parents greeted the city’s school reopening plan with cheers and jeers Friday.

For Sohna Wikman — a 44-year-old marketing consultant with a 13-year-old son at the International School of Brooklyn and an 8-year-old daughter at PS 321 — any fall without a full reopening is a bust, even with the coronavirus still around.

“I think they should open — it’s better for the kids,’’ she said.

“The school does so much more than teach — it provides a safety net, an insight into how they’re doing and not all families have opportunity to work from home.”

Still, the mom added, “My heart goes out to the teachers. They’re probably more at risk than our kids are.”

Her son, Caleb, seemed more accepting of online learning, calling it “the new normal.

“It was rough in the beginning. We had some crashes,’’ he said of the city’s move to online instruction this past spring in the grip of the pandemic. “We just had to get used to it.”

But her daughter Leah lamented, “I can’t play with my friends in the same way. And I really like to go out and come to school and see them in person.’’

Mia Huang and daughter Katherine in a Central Park playground.
Mia Huang and daughter Katherine in a Central Park playground today.Helayne Seidman

Mia Huang, 31, an Upper West Side fashion buyer , said she is keeping her 5-year-old daughter Katherine at home from PS 334 no matter what.

“I don’t want the school reopening,’’ Huang said. “I’m not sure it’s very healthy for the children.”

“I don’t think it’s very safe, to have all the kids go back to school right now.”

Glenn McAnanama, who is in marketing and also lives on the Upper West Side, has one son, Reid, 9, who goes to private school, and another son, Finn, who attends public.

The dad said his mind is more at ease over Reid because “the private school has more space and more staff.”

As for city schools, “I hope they’re doing a lot of data tracking and testing and they’re honest with what the data says so everyone can make the best decision,’’ he said.

Glenn McAnanama and his son Reid at Central Park today.
Glenn McAnanama and his son Reid at Central Park today.Helayne Seidman

Brooklyn mom Shauna May, 36, said she sees the pros and cons to sending her children — 5-year-old son Jordayne and 9-year-old daughter Daeshanel — to school.

“My concern is they need a classroom environment to learn. With science, I have that concern,” said the East Flatbush resident.

“But “I’m scared for them to go to the classroom and be with other students.

“I don’t think it’s a good idea. … Sometimes when [the kids] are talking, they push down the masks.”

Shauna May with her daughter Daeshanel and son Jodayne at the Atlantic Mall in Brooklyn today.
Shauna May with her daughter Daeshanel and son Jodayne at the Atlantic Mall in Brooklyn today.Paul Martinka