
Pelosi reportedly trashed Birx in meeting with White House officials

WASHINGTON — House Speaker Nancy Pelosi trashed Dr. Deborah Birx during a private meeting with White House officials on Thursday night — calling the coronavirus task force coordinator “horrible” and “the worst,” according to a report.

Pelosi (D-Calif.) moaned about Birx to Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin and chief of staff Mark Meadows during negotiations on Capitol Hill about further coronavirus aid, Politico reported Friday afternoon.

“Deborah Birx is the worst. Wow, what horrible hands you’re in,” Pelosi said to the pair, accusing the physician of spreading misinformation about the pandemic, the report said.

She went on to praise Dr. Anthony Fauci, the infectious disease expert on the coronavirus task force, who she said: “Came to his senses, and is now a hero.”

The private sledging of Birx follows an unflattering New York Times report published earlier this month which portrayed the physician as someone eager to provide President Trump with only good news about the pandemic.

“A highly regarded infectious diseases expert, she was a constant source of upbeat news for the president and his aides, walking the halls with charts emphasizing that outbreaks were gradually easing,” the report read.

Pelosi’s Thursday salvo comes as experts on the task force find themselves caught in the political cross hairs and as the pandemic drags into its six month with no end in sight.

White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany scolded the Times for the “appalling” story and defended Birx an “extraordinary doctor.”

“I have not seen anyone poring over data the way Dr. Birx has and the attack on her was frankly appalling and egregious and The New York Times should be very ashamed of themselves,” McEnany said at a July 21 briefing.

Birx served as the Unites States’ global AIDS coordinator under Presidents Obama and Trump and in February was tapped to join the coronavirus task force with her mentor, Fauci.

As of Friday, 4.59 million Americans have been infected with COVID-19, while 155,00 have died.