
Sexy cam girls will keep lonely senior citizens company

A webcam portal is looking to offer the elderly happy endings with cam girl models — but happy endings of different XXXpectations.

ImLive, an adult-focused site that offers sexual and nonsexual webcam experiences, has just launched an initiative to offer free, and G-rated, one-on-one sessions between models and senior citizens still under coronavirus-related lockdowns in assisted-living facilities.

“They’re going to remain clothed,” said Adrian Stoneman, ImLive’s 45-year-old vice president of business, of the cam models. “The idea is for them to act like a friend or companion . . . the idea is not sexual at all.”

As part of a promotional effort to mark ImLive’s 18th anniversary, the site received a request from an unidentified member who mentioned their grandfather, who lives in a nursing home, isn’t allowed any visitors — and could use a friend for conversation.

“It pulled some heartstrings on our end,” said Stoneman.

Now, in an effort to keep the elderly company, ImLive offers these platonic sessions for free — with the site adding that no credit card or personal information is required to sign up, and that ImLive itself will pay the models for their time.

ImLive, which broadcasts around the globe, is known for unusual experiences. For instance, in May, the site began offering haircut tutorials from cam models who have backgrounds in styling hair.

For this new service, either nursing facilities or their residents can reach out to ImLive and, after the company verifies the facility, it sends out links and schedules for participants to sign up. This service includes certain site enhancements, like larger font sizes and icons, for senior-friendly use.

“If . . . there’s demand there and we see that it’s really making an impact . . . I see no reason why it’s something that can’t continue,” said Stoneman.