
Adorable cow greets and wants hugs from owner every morning

Jenna the cow loves attention. So much so that she moos in frustration if her caretakers don’t greet her with a hug every morning.

After Jenna was born infertile and unable to produce milk, her dairy farmer wanted to kill her, but his daughter asked if the calf’s life could be spared by finding her another home. Eventually, a mutual friend connected the farmer with Ryan Phillips, 42, and Mallory Sherman, 34, who rescued Jenna.

The pair run a nonprofit farmyard sanctuary in Williamsburg, Virginia, and are met each morning by Jenna, who moos loudly at their kitchen window.

“Jenna treats me like I’m her best friend and saw me like I was her mom when she was little because I brought and fed her bottles,” Phillips told SWNS wire service. “I spent every night talking and lying with her in the barn and making sure she was healthy and happy.”

Now, Jenna — the 2-year-old cow nicknamed as the Calf Who Lived — has an inseparable bond with her rescuers. Jenna lives at the Life With Pigs Farm Animal Sanctuary among fellow cows as well as turkeys, chickens, dogs and pigs.

“We are truly best friends, and she’s definitely just as much family as any human could be,” said Phillips, who added that Jenna engages in “goodnight hugs and scratches as well.”

cow at window