
Trump offers to pay for funeral of slain soldier Vanessa Guillen

President Trump on Thursday offered to pay for the funeral of a soldier found dead after disappearing in April from Fort Hood — and said he’s paid for other funerals for troops.

Trump made the offer while hosting the family of Vanessa Guillen, who was 20, in the Oval Office. A male soldier suspected of killing Guillen near the Texas base committed suicide, the Army has said.

In response to a reporter’s question, Trump said he’s paid for other soldiers’ funerals.

“I have, I have. I have to do it personally, I can’t do it through government,” Trump said. “I have because some families need help. They need help.”

Guillen’s family declined a military funeral, and are awaiting the return of her remains, which Trump said he would help expedite.

“I don’t even know if you need help, maybe you don’t need help from a financial standpoint. I have no idea. I just think it’s a horrific thing that happened and if you did need help, I’ll be there to help you,” Trump said.

Guillen’s family encouraged passage of legislation drafted by their family’s attorney that would allow soldiers to report sexual abuse outside their chain of command.