
John Lewis funeral: Obama, Bush and Clinton among reported attendees

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Barack Obama, with George W. Bush and Bill Clinton
Barack Obama, with George W. Bush and Bill ClintonAFP via Getty Images
George W. Bush, Bill Clinton, and Barack Obama
George W. Bush, Bill Clinton, and Barack ObamaRick Kern
Joe Biden
Joe BidenGetty Images

Former Presidents Barack Obama, George W. Bush and Bill Clinton will attend the funeral service Thursday of civil rights legend Rep. John Lewis, according to multiple reports.

Two of the former presidents, Obama and Bush, will deliver remarks at the funeral, according to CNN, with Obama delivering the eulogy.

The funeral is set for 11 a.m. on Thursday and will take place at Ebenezer Baptist Church’s Horizon Sanctuary in Atlanta, a church made famous for being led by Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.

The Georgia Congressman died earlier this month from stage 4 pancreatic cancer at the age of 80. He had been diagnosed in December of last year.

First elected in 1986 and lauded as “the conscience of Congress,” Lewis, a staunch Democrat, commanded respect from both sides of the aisle.

He forged his reputation in the 1960s, most notably during the 1965 civil rights march in Selma, Alabama, during which he suffered a skull fracture at the end of a police billy club.

“There is still work yet to be done,” he urged during a 50th-anniversary event at the Edmund Pettus Bridge in 2015. The bridge is where the march, now referred to as “Bloody Sunday,” took place.

President Trump and former President Jimmy Carter are the only two living commanders-in-chief who will not be in attendance.

Carter, 95, cited his and his wife Rosalynn’s age as reason for missing the service.

A spokesperson for the former president told NBC News on Wednesday that the Carters “are not traveling these days but are sending their condolences in writing.”

Vice President Pence will not attend, but he and his wife, second lady Karen Pence, paid their respects to the civil rights icon when he lied in state in the Capitol rotunda Monday.

John Lewis
John LewisCQ-Roll Call, Inc via Getty Images

It is not immediately clear if presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden, who is campaigning out of his home in Delaware, will be in attendance at the Georgia services.

A Biden spokesperson did not immediately respond to The Post’s request for comment.