
Mike Greenberg’s heartfelt goodbye as Mike Golic’s ESPN Radio era ends

ESPN’s Mike Greenberg, former co-host of “Mike & Mike,” paid a thoughtful tribute to his longtime partner Mike Golic as the former NFL player concludes his final week on the air.

“In the earliest days of our partnership, I saw up close and personal what it looks like when you put your family first,” Greenberg said during a segment on ESPN’s “Get Up.”

“Every parent I know says their kids are their first priority, but not all of them live that way. Mike does. He lived that way every single day.”

Golic’s 22-year run on ESPN Radio will officially come to an end on Friday in his final week on “Golic & Wingo.” The Post’s Andrew Marchand reported earlier this month that Golic and Wingo have contracts up at the end of the year and the morning show is in the middle of a massive radio lineup shakeup. Golic will return to being a college football analyst at ESPN, while Wingo’s future at the network is unclear.

Golic and Greenberg spent 18 years on the air as the flagship show for ESPN Radio. The two awkwardly split as Greenberg left in 2017 to launch “Get Up.” Golic’s wife, Christine, wrote on Twitter that her husband pitched the idea of bringing back “Mike & Mike,” but the idea did not gain traction. Greenberg will be launching his own radio show in the afternoons.

Greenberg went on to say in the two-minute tribute that Golic paved the way for other former athletes to thrive in the radio format.

“He didn’t just open a door for others, he built one,” Greenberg said. “There was no door before he came along. So Mike Golic changed the game for the hundreds of athletes who have followed in his footsteps, as well as the millions of sports fans who have enjoyed his company all these years.”