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Jeffrey Epstein told Ghislaine Maxwell she did ‘nothing wrong’, unsealed docs reveal

Jeffrey Epstein told his alleged madam Ghislaine Maxwell that she had “done nothing wrong” in a 2015 email, according to a trove of court documents unsealed Thursday night.

The convicted sex offender’s correspondence with his longtime companion was one of dozens of docs from a 2015 civil defamation lawsuit against Maxwell by Epstein accuser Virginia Giuffre ordered released by a Manhattan judge last week.

“You have done nothing wrong and i woudl [sic] urge you to start acting like it,” Epstein wrote in the Jan. 25, 2015 email.

“go outside, head high, not as an esacping [sic] convict,” he advised Maxwell. “go to parties. deal with it.”

The email was in response to one from Maxwell the previous day, in which she wrote that she would “appreciate it” if a woman named “shelley” could come forward to say she was Epstein’s girlfriend.

Maxwell added: “I think she was from end 99 to 2002.”

“ok, with me,” Epstein responded.

Jeffrey Epstein Virginia Roberts Giuffre Ghislaine Maxwell
Virginia Roberts Giuffre in August 2019AP Photo/Bebeto Matthews

The exchange came a couple of days after Epstein emailed Maxwell a statement proclaiming her innocence from his 2007 sex crimes charges in Florida — that reads as if she had written it.

“Since JE was charged in 2007 for solicitation of a prostitute I have been the target of outright lies, innuendo, slander, defamation, gossip…,” the statement begins.

“I have never been party to any criminal activity pertaining to JE,” it states.

It adds that at the time of Epstein’s controversial plea in the case, Maxwell was “in a very long-term committed relationship with another man and no longer working with Jeffrey.”

“Whilst I remained on friendly terms with him up until his plea, I have had limited contact since.”

It concludes by stating that Maxwell reserves her right “to file complaint and sue for defamation and slander.”

The cache of released materials also includes flight logs from Epstein’s private jets, police reports from Palm Beach, Florida, where Epstein had a home, among other documents.

They’re tied to the defamation lawsuit Giuffre filed against Maxwell after the British socialite claimed that Giuffre had made up the sexual abuse allegations against her and the multi-millionaire pedophile.

Maxwell, 58, was busted July 2 on a six-count indictment charging her with recruiting and grooming three minor girls to be sexually abused by both her and Epstein between 1994 to 1997, and committing perjury by denying her involvement under oath.

She’s pleaded not guilty and is being held in a Brooklyn jail after a judge deemed her a flight risk.

As part of their arguments asking for bail for Maxwell, her lawyers stated in court documents that their client has not had contact with Epstein for more than a decade.

Her trial is set for next year.