US News

Ghislaine Maxwell’s rumored husband reportedly threatened to use ‘level four’ force on intruders

Ghislaine Maxwell’s suspected husband had “military” patrols at the house where the accused madam was rumored to be hiding out — warning local cops that he would use high levels of force if “under siege,” according to a report.

Scott Borgerson — believed to be Maxwell’s secret husband — wrote to the chief of police near his Massachusetts home last August when it was widely rumored that the British socialite was living with him while hiding out after Jeffrey Epstein’s suicide, according to

The 44-year-old tech CEO reportedly warned that he intended to use “level four use of force” if he found an intruder — a law enforcement term that could include the use of a Taser or pepper spray, the report said.

It would also include dog bites, strikes to the head and neck holds, the outlet said.

Ghislaine Maxwell and Scott Borgerson
Ghislaine Maxwell and Scott BorgersonGetty Images/TM/MEGA

Borgerson said that he had “blanketed” his $2.4 million Manchester-by-the-Sea mansion with surveillance cameras — and had “several military/intelligence friends” protecting the property, the report said.

In one email, he mentioned that he was taking his family on vacation to New Hampshire, the report said — the state where Epstein’s accused madam was arrested in a $1 million hideaway earlier this month.

Borgerson — the son of a retired sheriff — first contacted Manchester-by-the-Sea police chief Todd Fitzgerald on August 18 to ask about his “rights” if any journalists knocked on his door, the Mail said.

“What I would like to do is to detain them and call [the police] once the subject is ‘secured,'” he reportedly told the chief.

“I am thinking level 4 use of force. I am starting physical patrols of my property today on a random and rotating schedule,” he wrote, according to the report.

As well as referring to his “military/intelligence friends” helping, he also said a security firm run by former Boston police commissioner Ed Davis “remain on standby … should we again come under siege,” the site said.

Chief Fitzgerald replied by thanking him for the update, the Mail said. “We will continue the extra patrols of the area so I would let your friends know we will be in the area,” the top cop reportedly said.

Davis told the site that Borgerson “made a brief inquiry about security at his home but that was it.” His security firm, The Edward Davis Company, was never hired, he said.

Maxwell, long accused of recruiting girls for pedophile Epstein, was widely rumored to have stayed with Borgerson while in hiding after Epstein’s arrest on further serious sex charges last July.

She was not seen for more than a year before her arrest earlier this month in a mansion in Bradford, N.H., that was aptly named “TUCKEDAWAY.

It was only after her arrest that court papers revealed she was actually married, but was refusing to identify her husband. Borgerson previously denied the two were dating, as well as the notion that Maxwell was staying at his home.

Maxwell is currently being held at the Metropolitan Detention Center in Brooklyn on charges of conspiring with Epstein to sexually abuse young women.