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Fox swipes about 100 shoes from Berlin neighborhood

This fox could give Imelda Marcos a run for her money.

The crafty crook with an affinity for footwear swiped about 100 shoes from outside people’s homes in Berlin, including an impressive array of slippers, sandals and sneakers, Deutsche Welle reported.

The brazen bandit was unmasked by Christian Meyer, a resident of the southwestern neighborhood of Zehlendorf, according to the outlet.

After noticing that his running shoes had vanished, Meyer posted a message on, a national notice-sharing site, the Berlin news outlet Tagesspiegel reported.

He soon realized that he was not the only one in the area to have been targeted by the unknown thief.

Meyer later spotted the vulpine varmint nearby and managed to snap a picture that caught it “red-handed with a pair of blue flip flops in his mouth,” Deutsche Welle reported.

He later discovered the fox’s impressive loot of multicolored footwear, although only the sly creature knows where Meyer’s running shoes remain hidden.

Imelda Marcos, 91, now a Filipino politician, was widely known for her massive collection of shoes during her long time as the country’s first lady.