US News

AG Bill Barr tests negative for coronavirus after encounter with Rep. Gohmert

Attorney General William Barr tested negative for the coronavirus Wednesday, a day after his encounter with Texas Rep. Louie Gohmert, Fox News reported.

Gohmert, 66, revealed earlier Wednesday that he had tested positive during a screening he underwent before a scheduled flight with President Trump to his hometown state.

The Republican’s positive diagnosis came a day after Gohmert was seen on Capitol Hill maskless and in close proximity to Barr, who was also maskless, during Tuesday’s House Judiciary Committee hearing.

Gohmert’s illness forced him to cancel his flight to the Lone Star State and has prompted House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to mandate face coverings on the House floor.

“The members cannot come on to the floor of the House unless they have a mask and I, as speaker, have directed the Sergeant at Arms, the Capitol police to refuse exit [or] entry into the hall if people don’t have on a mask…and we have masks there for them,” Pelosi said during an interview on CNN Wednesday night.

Gohmert said he was “asymptomatic” and in good spirits in a video he posted on Twitter Wednesday afternoon. His aide said he plans to isolate.

“The reports of my demise are a great deal premature,” he joked.