
Scientists discover foul source of body odor in pursuit of better deodorant

BO’s odiferous origins have been revealed.

In a discovery that will no doubt benefit pungent people worldwide, UK scientists have followed the scent of body odor back to a “BO enzyme” that predates modern man.

The smelly study, conducted by the University of York in collaboration with hygiene giant Unilever, could lead to the development of more effective deodorants in the future, reports SciTechDaily.

“Solving the structure of this ‘BO enzyme’ has allowed us to pinpoint the molecular step inside certain bacteria that makes the odor molecules,” said study co-author Dr. Michelle Rudden of the University of York.

Specifically, they’ve identified the DNA of the Staphylococcus hominis bacteria, the main microbe involved in processing sweat molecules that give off body odor. Previously, the University of York researchers had discovered that only a few bacteria in your armpit facilitate the stench, but never pinpointed the specific culprit until now.

As it turns out, this microscopic funk farmer was present in our now extinct, or should we say ex-stink-t, prehistoric predecessors, and could have played an important role in societal communication between early primates.

“This research was a real eye-opener,” said Unilever’s Dr. Gordon James, a co-author. “It was fascinating to discover that a key odor-forming enzyme exists in only a select few armpit bacteria — and evolved there tens of millions of years ago.”

More importantly, the findings could help deodorant firms create precise stink-snuffing products that target malodorous microbes without killing good bacteria — as is the case with traditional anti-perspirants, reports CBS News. Think in terms of a sniper rifle instead of a daisy-cutter bomb.

Unfortunately, the study is likely to be considered preliminary until it has been published in a peer-reviewed scientific journal. It’s slated to be presented Monday at the Society for General Microbiology’s annual meeting in Birmingham, England.