US News

Protesters vandalize police union building in Baltimore

BALTIMORE — A building for a Baltimore police union was vandalized as demonstrators spent the weekend marching against racial injustice and in solidarity with protesters in Portland, Oregon.

People within a group of nearly 100 demonstrators spray-painted the Fraternal Order of Police Baltimore City Lodge 3 building and sidewalks on Saturday night with anti-police messages, The Baltimore Sun reported. A standoff occurred between demonstrators and police once officers on the job and vehicles arrived at the scene. A Baltimore police helicopter hovered over the scene, and the crowd eventually dispersed, according to the newspaper.

The demonstrations were one of several held in Maryland’s largest city on Saturday, continuing weeks of nationwide unrest since the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis on May 25. Protests also have emerged in cities in response to a showdown between protesters and US agents at the federal courthouse in Portland.

Another demonstration on Saturday in Baltimore was organized by conservatives and supporters of President Donald Trump. The event criticized tactics of protesters and demonstration organizers across the country.