US News

Roy Den Hollander likely killed rival a week before shooting Judge Salas’ family: FBI

The “anti-feminist” lawyer who gunned down a New Jersey federal judge’s son is also suspected of killing a rival men’s rights attorney in a fit of jealousy a week prior in California, the FBI said Wednesday.

The FBI’s Newark field office revealed Roy Den Hollander’s link to the California slaying of Marc Angelucci, in a tweet Wednesday afternoon.

“As the FBI continues the investigation into the attack at the home of US District Court Judge Esther Salas, we are now engaged with the San Bernardino CA Sheriff’s Office and have evidence linking the murder of Marc Angelucci to FBI Newark subject Roy Den Hollander,” the office wrote.

Earlier Wednesday, the Daily Beast reported that federal authorities had discovered that Den Hollander was in California at the time of Angelucci’s murder.

Angelucci, a fellow men’s rights activist, had been helming a case very similar to one brought by Den Hollander — claiming that the military draft’s exclusion of women was unfair to men — without his involvement, friends have said.

Angelucci, 52, was gunned down at his San Bernardino home on July 11 by a shooter described as wearing a FedEx deliveryman’s uniform, according to reports.

Around 5 p.m. Sunday, Den Hollander arrived at the North Brunswick home of Salas wearing a FedEx uniform and packing heat.

As soon as the door opened, he squeezed the trigger, fatally shooting Salas’ 20-year-old son, Daniel, and critically wounding her attorney husband, Mark Anderl, 63.

Den Hollander, 72, and suffering from terminal melanoma, was found dead Monday in New York’s Catskills of an apparently self-inflicted gunshot.

He left behind a rambling online manifesto railing against women in general, and in particular his Russian ex-wife and Salas, whom he alternately described as “hot” and “lazy and incompetent.”

Salas — in the home’s basement at the time and unharmed — was presiding over a case launched by Den Hollander in which he argued that the military’s men-only draft was ­discriminatory.

Following the shooting at Salas’ home, former acquaintances said that Den Hollander was fuming because Angelucci was leading a similar case in California.

“Roy was just not happy that we did not involve him as a co-counsel,” Harry Crouch, president of the National Coalition for Men, told The Associated Press. “I think unhappy is an understatement.”

Instead, it was Angelucci, the group’s vice president, who was chosen to spearhead the ­California case.

Den Hollander didn’t take the news well.

“He called me up and threatened me,” Crouch told the AP.

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Marc Angelucci and Roy Den Hollander.
Marc Angelucci and Roy Den HollanderYoutube/Handout
Federal court Judge Esther Salas
Federal Judge Esther Salas
Roy Den Hollander
Roy Den HollanderTwitter

Crouch told CNN that after Den Hollander threatened him in 2015, he and the NCFM’s board booted him from the organization.

Paul Elam, a friend of Angelucci, also spoke of Den Hollander’s envy in a Facebook Live video posted Monday, according to CNN.

“Roy was furious — and beyond-words furious, absolutely enraged — that [the National Coalition for Men] and Marc Angelucci were getting into the Selective Service case,” Elam said.

“He viewed that as something proprietary for him,” Elam added. “He saw Marc’s work in that respect as an intrusion into his space.”

With Post wires