
Only 53 percent of NYC households have filled out the 2020 Census

Just over half of New York City households have completed the 2020 Census, a participation rate that would put billions of dollars of federal funding out of reach.

“So far we’re not seeing the numbers we need. So far only 53 percent of New Yorkers have responded,” Mayor Bill de Blasio said at a City Hall press briefing Wednesday.

“We need to get that number a lot higher,” de Blasio said before announcing a “Census Week of Action” that will kick off next week with a social media campaign and in-person outreach at parks, playgrounds, transit hubs and beaches.

This year’s 53 percent participation rate is well below the 62 percent of New Yorkers who completed the 10-question form during the last census in 2010. The deadline is Oct. 31.

“The census will determine the official count of how many people are here. It will determine what level of representation we get in the Congress, how much federal aid we get — you name it for mass transit, for education, for so many things we depend on, billions of dollars hanging in the balance,” de Blasio said.

Hizzoner also accused President Trump of driving down participation in New York and other cities by stoking fear and making it harder for people to fill out the forms.

On Tuesday, Trump signed an executive order excluding illegal immigrants from being counted in the 2020 Census.

US Census form
US Census formShutterstock

“This makes no sense given everything we’ve seen in the history of the census,” de Blasio said.

Since the federal count started in 1790, both US citizens and non-citizens have been included in the country’s official population count, regardless of their immigration status, as part of a process that determines federal funding and how many seats each state gets in Congress.

Respondents are not asked if they are US citizens. Last year the Supreme Court blocked the president’s attempt to add a citizenship question to the 2020 Census.