
Former intern accuses ex-NYCFC star David Villa of sexual harassment

A former intern for NYCFC has accused former striker David Villa of sexual harassment.

The allegations came on July 17 from a Twitter user named Sklyer B. The 38-year-old Villa has denied any wrongdoing, and the club announced on Wednesday it was investigating the claims.

”The harassment I went through at NYCFC was so bad that now the idea of professional sports terrifies me,” read a tweet from the account. “Staying in the field of athletics terrifies me. I’m changing my entire career because the shit they did to me ruined my dreams.

”I thought I was getting the opportunity of a life time when I got that internship. What I got was David Villa touching me every f—ing day and my bosses thinking it was great comedic material.”

The former intern worked for the club in 2018, according to Yahoo Sports, and also claimed she was “groped,” “mocked” and “shoved” while working for the team.

The allegations come as more women in sports have come forward following a Washington Post report in which 15 former Washington football employees — and two journalists — said they were sexually harassed by higher-up employees.

Villa denied the claims in a statement provided to the site by his agent.

”I strongly object to the accusations made about me on Twitter,” he said. “These accusations are entirely false and I deny them.

“It’s hard to understand why this was not raised previously if any one felt uncomfortable at any time,” he added, before asking “the media and the public to please respect my right to the presumption of innocence in this matter.”

The team in a statement said: “New York City Football Club has learned of the allegations made by a former intern by seeing them on social media. We take this matter extremely seriously and do not tolerate harassment of any kind in any areas of our organization. We immediately launched an investigation into the matter.”

Villa played for NYCFC from 2014-18 as its first designating player, before ending his career at Japanese outfit, Vissel Kobe.