
Dramatic video shows firefighters reviving dog rescued from burning house

Nail-biting footage has emerged of firefighters resuscitating a dog that had been presumed dead in a house fire in Washington, DC.

The lucky pup was one of six canines and four residents rescued from the blaze at a two-story row house in the US capital’s Northwest region Tuesday afternoon.

“#DCsBravest have brought the fire under control and rescued several dogs from home who are being given treatment,” tweeted DC Fire and EMS, who were called to the fire around noon.

In the harrowing video, the valiant firemen can be seen providing the unconscious dog water and oxygen to try and revive it after pulling it from the inferno.

The responders’ rescue mission was especially challenging given “inoperable” smoke alarms and clutter in the home, along with the sweltering 100-degree heat that prompted the city to issue an emergency advisory earlier that day.

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Firefighters rescued the dog from the building.DC Fire and EMS
They could be seen reviving the dog. DC Fire and EMS
Using oxygen, the dog was revived.DC Fire and EMS
The fire sparked during an unusually hot day in Washington, DC.DC Fire and EMS
Investigators are looking into the cause of the fire.DC Fire and EMS

Fortunately, thanks to the firefighters’ heroic efforts, all six dogs and four residents survived the ordeal sans any other injuries. The displaced survivors are slated to be assisted by the Mayor’s Office of Community Relations and Services as well as the local Red Cross branch, according to subsequent tweets.

“When we search for victims in a fire, obviously our first priority is human life, but we will do whatever we can to get those animals to safety,” Vito Maggiolo, a representative of the fire department, told CBS News.

“Animals are part of people’s families,” he said. “They’re often very precious to them.”

Investigators are currently looking into the cause of the blaze.