
Heat wave continues to rock NYC for third straight day

It’s another scorcher.

The Big Apple continued to bake Monday as temperatures soared above 90 degrees for the third consecutive day, making it the city’s first official heat wave of the year.

“The hottest day [of the week] temperature wise is probably today,” AccuWeather meteorologist Dan DePodwin told The Post Monday, adding that the mercury was expected to shoot up to 96 degrees with a real feel temperature of between 105 and 110 degrees.

DePodwin noted, “It feels much hotter because it’s been quite humid” and said, “It’s important for people to stay hydrated.”

The sizzling heat will continue into Tuesday with an expected high of 92 degrees, but DePodwin said conditions “will feel a little better” than Monday.

“Certainly not cool, but a little less oppressive,” he said.

By Wednesday, temperatures are forecasted to dip into the 80s with a high of 88 degrees, but on Thursday the mercury is expected to hit 90 degrees again. Friday’s forecast shows a high of 85 degrees.

“The humidity comes back on the low 90s for second part of the week,” said DePodwin, who added, “This pattern of warmer than normal [weather] could last at least another week.”

DePodwin explained that the recent blazing temps are “close to 10 degrees above normal” for this time of the year.

“It’s not record-breaking, but it’s certainly warmer than normal and something to keep an eye out for,” said DePodwin.

Meanwhile, to beat the heat, the Big Apple has is opened 160 cooling centers across the city, where face masks will be provided for free.

The city has also opened 300 fire hydrants with spray caps and 230 cooling and misting locations in heat-burdened communities across the Big Apple.

“Today is a day to be very concerned about the heat. The heat index could reach 100 today,” Mayor Bill de Blasio said during a City Hall press briefing Monday.

De Blasio warned, “Take it seriously. Do not minimize the challenge. Stay hydrated, stay cool. When you can, stay in air conditioning.”

Additional reporting by Nolan Hicks